Nine Million People in England to Live with Major Illnesses by 2040

credit: bloomberg.

England (Parliament Politic Magazine) – A health warning has recently claimed that by 2040, a staggering nine million individuals in England will be afflicted with major illnesses. The aging population in England is expected to contribute to a rapid surge in the prevalence of conditions such as dementia, diabetes, cancer, depression, and kidney disease over the next two decades.

The proportion of England’s adult population living with serious diseases is projected to increase significantly, from approximately one in six in 2019 to nearly one in five. This anticipated rise will undoubtedly have profound implications for the National Health Service, social care, and public finances.

Major Illnesses to Affect Nine Million in England

An expert has described the situation that England will face over the next two decades as “catastrophic.” This dire assessment highlights the severity of the challenges lying ahead for the country. Doctor Sarah Clarke, the president of the Royal College of Physicians, states: “The projections laid out in the Health Foundation’s report will quite frankly be catastrophic – for people and their families, for the health of the NHS and its workforce, and for the prosperity of the nation’’.

According to a report released by the Health Foundation, an additional 2.5 million individuals are projected to be afflicted by severe illnesses. This change will lead to a substantial 37 percent surge, bringing the total number of affected individuals to 9.1 million, as compared to the figures recorded in 2019.

Researchers have issued a warning that individuals in England who reach the age of 70 will typically contend with an average of three long-term conditions. This number is expected to escalate to over five by the time they reach the age of 85. Despite this concerning rise in chronic health conditions, it is projected that the average life expectancy in England will soar to 83.1 years.

Over Nine Million Face Major Illnesses in England

It is crucial to acknowledge the significant findings of recent research, which shed light on the health challenges faced by the elderly population in England. According to esteemed researchers, individuals who reach the age of 70 are likely to grapple with an average of three long-term conditions. This alarming statistic is predicted to worsen as they age, with the number of ailments increasing to over five by the time they reach 85 years old.

While these figures may seem disheartening, it is important to note that they do not overshadow the positive news regarding life expectancy in England. Despite the rise in chronic health conditions, the average life expectancy is projected to reach an impressive 83.1 years. The report states:

“There is no silver bullet to reduce the growth in the number of people living with major illnesses. A long-term plan is needed to reform, modernize and invest in the NHS, alongside a bold new approach to investing in the nation’s health and wellbeing.”

The extension of human life expectancy has undoubtedly brought about numerous benefits. Nevertheless, it has also presented a new set of challenges, particularly in terms of managing major illnesses. As people live longer, the probability of encountering severe health conditions increases significantly.

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Nine Million Individuals to Bear the Weight in England

The aging population in England is contributing to a decline in overall health. As people live longer, they are more susceptible to enduring significant illnesses. This unfortunate trend has prompted experts to explore strategies that could potentially avert the proliferation of such diseases.

According to Health Foundation’s Anita Charlesworth: “The growth in major illness will place additional demand on all parts of the NHS, particularly primary care, where services are already under extreme pressure.

“But with one in five people projected to be living with major illness in less than two decades’ time, the impact will extend well beyond the health service and has significant implications for other public services, the labor market and the public finances.”

Advancements in healthcare have led to longer lifespans, resulting in a higher likelihood of individuals living with major illnesses. However, experts have identified potential measures that could prevent the development and progression of these debilitating conditions.

The deteriorating health in England is being exacerbated by its aging population. With longer lifespans, individuals are increasingly prone to living with severe illnesses. However, experts have identified potential measures that could prevent the escalation of these ailments.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.