Roger Milla Defends Samuel Eto’o from CAF Inquiry

Roger Milla, legend of Cameroonian football, says he is opposed to the investigation of the African Football Confederation on the president of Fecafoot.

On Thursday, CAF announced that it was opening an investigation into the president of the Cameroon Football Federation. “CAF has received written statements from several Cameroonian football players to investigate certain alleged reprehensible conduct of Mr. Samuel Eto’o, president of the Cameroonian Football Federation Fecafoot”, justified the body led by Patrice Motsepe.

If the facts alleged against Samuel Eto’o are at first sight “serious” according to CAF, the legend of Cameroonian football, Roger Milla disavows this approach of the governing body of African football. For the roving ambassador of the Head of State, CAF does not have the right to investigate the president of Fecafoot.

For me they have no right (CAF). It is not an African Cup that we are playing. We are in a national championship. They cannot come and investigate Cameroonian football. What do they give to Cameroonian football to come and do the investigations. Nothing at all ! So we must not exaggerate, we do not need an investigation here“, reacted Roger Milla at the microphone of TV5 Monde.

The executive committee of Fecafoot has expressed its support and renewed its confidence in its president Samuel Eto’o. Further, he calls for the withdrawal of the CAF press release on its communication platforms.

This article is originally published on


Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.