Summer School Draws Young Europeans to Rennes

From Thursday August 24 to Sunday August 27, 2023, Young Europeans will gather in Rennes for their summer school. This federalist association is expecting around a hundred participants.

The Young Europeans are neither a party nor a political movement. Created about thirty years ago, this association “defends a more democratic and, ultimately, federal Europe. Transpartisan, we respect all labels and bring together 16-35 year olds wishing to defend the European project”, explains Antoine Chabal, the current president for France, who has just completed his law studies.

Foreign delegations

After Lille last year, the association chose Rennes for its summer school. It will be held from Thursday August 24, 2023 in the Breton capital, with around a hundred participants from all over France. Foreign delegations are also expected, from Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Spain.

On the program, exchanges for four days “in order to debate the future of Europe in the run-up to the European elections” which will be held on June 9, 2024. “This will also be an opportunity to engage in reflection on the new ways of making citizens, and young people in particular, aware of European issues. We want to bring the European public debate to life on a daily basis. »

Among the guests, there will be MEP Marie-Pierre Vedrenne. This Rennaise chaired the Young Europeans in Rennes in the past, she was also vice-president of the association at the national level. Finally, the summer school will be marked by internal elections, in order to elect a new office.

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Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.