Support for Imran Khan at Lahore Rally

DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 26JAN12 - Imran Khan, Chairman, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, Pakistan gestures during the session 'The Future of South Asia' at the Annual Meeting 2012 of the World Economic Forum in the congress center in Davos, Switzerland, January 26, 2012.Copyright by World Economic Forum by Remy Steinegger

Pakistan, (Parliament Politics Magazine) – After losing a no confidence vote in his leadership capabilities, Imran Khan consequently lost his power as Pakistan’s Prime Minister.

The former Prime Minister claimed that the cause of his fall from power was the result of a US-led conspiracy that targeted him because of foreign policy decisions.

These decisions included importing oil from Russia with the betterment of Pakistan’s people in mind. Khan’s decision to visit Russia stemmed from the need to reduce the growing inflation in Pakistan, which Khan did when he visited Moscow.

Additionally, Khan increased trade ties with China, which he (Khan) stated was not well received by foreign powers. These two decisions combined, led foreign policies to believe that Imran Khan’s leadership capabilities were in disarray. This prompted the need for a no confidence vote to be passed. Imran Khan further explained that the reasoning behind the lack of support from foreign policies was due to the fact that his government lost its power at a time when the country was progressing with tax collection and development which was the most advantageous in the country’s history. Khan also said that “The unemployment level was at its lowest; we were ahead of everyone. Our government also handled the coronavirus in an exemplary manner as we saved lives and the employment of our poor people,”.

Imran Khan’s political oppositions accused him of public manipulation with the intention to persuade the public to keep him in power. However, the conspiracy as outlined by Khan, seemed to be the narrative that the public supported.

In light of Khan’s vocalization of a US-led conspiracy, his supporters attended a massive rally in Lahore to prove their loyalty and continued support of their former Prime Minister, despite the allegations against him.

The rally occurred in a historically significant venue in Pakistan’s Eastern City as it was the place where the resolution to establish the country occurred. Khan stated that all those who wanted “An independent Pakistan” shouldattend the rally and protest for their country. He further invited all Pakistanis to join the struggle.

Despite the former Prime Minister’s best efforts to control his governing situation and his people, Khan has lost the confidence needed to run Pakistan efficiently. Resulting in Pakistan’s current Prime Minister, Shehbaz Sharif taking over the post.



Jessica Bayley

Jessica Bayley is an international author and journalist. She covers global affairs, hard news, lifestyle, politics, technology and is also the author of "The Ladies of Belgium."