UK Vending Machines To End Job Opportunities For Bartenders 

credit: bbc

UK (Parliament Politic Magazine) – The line for the bar has always been a frustrating experience for sports enthusiasts who crave a refreshing drink. It’s a risky endeavor that frequently ends with hastily gulped pints, consumed just moments before the second-half whistle blows.

Sam Pettipher, after enduring the disappointment of missing a crucial try during an international rugby match due to his wait for a beer, resolved to take action. While pursuing his MBA at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, he devoted his final project to the concept of “technology commercialization,” with the aim of discovering a more efficient method of serving large crowds at mass gatherings.

The EBar, a revolutionary invention, has the power to evoke contrasting emotions within individuals. It has the ability to either fill one’s heart with joy or instill a sense of apprehension, particularly when contemplating the future of bartenders. This sentiment is closely tied to one’s personal stance on self-service checkouts and the looming possibility of robots gradually replacing human workers in various industries.

EBars Have Gained Immense Popularity In The UK

Anyone who attended the Ashes at Old Trafford this week would have undoubtedly noticed the EBars, a remarkable array of mobile vending machines that effortlessly pour pints with just a touch of a button. 

These innovative machines were also present at the Manchester International Festival last week, captivating even the most skeptical individuals who believed that technology was stripping away the human touch from traditional industries. Yet, they couldn’t resist indulging in a refreshing pint of Amstel for a mere £4.

With a total of 40 automated EBar kiosks scattered across the United Kingdom, these marvels frequently make appearances at various locations, ranging from the iconic Murrayfield Stadium in Scotland to the renowned Twickenham in London. 

When Sam Fender graced the stage for a series of monumental homecoming performances last month at St James’ Park, the beloved home ground of Newcastle United, the EBars were strategically deployed to satisfy the thirst of thousands of his devoted fans.

Founder Of EBar All Set To Take It To The US

Nick Beeson, a former executive in the oil industry and co-founder of EBar alongside Pettipher, has assumed the role of chief executive and is now strategizing to expand EBar’s presence in the United States and other parts of Europe.

It is important to note that Beeson’s intention is not to displace human workers but rather to facilitate access to a refreshing pint for anyone attending large-scale events.

The convergence of Brexit and the ongoing Covid pandemic has resulted in a significant scarcity of skilled individuals capable of expertly pouring pints across all hospitality establishments. 

Beeson highlighted this pressing issue by stating, “We engaged in discussions with several prominent venues, and astonishingly, one of them estimated that they were losing out on 30 to 40% of potential sales due to their inability to meet the overwhelming demand caused by staff shortages.”

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Each EBar Pints 120 To 150 Pints An Hour

Each EBar has the impressive ability to pour an impressive range of 120 to 150 pints per hour, thanks to its innovative patented method of filling cups under pressure. This unique technique ensures that the beer is poured without an excessive foamy head, as proudly claimed by Beeson. In comparison, a traditional bar would require a minimum of a couple of staff members to keep up with such a remarkable pouring speed.

To adhere to licensing regulations, the EBar does require a certain level of staffing, primarily for the purpose of checking IDs if necessary. However, it is worth noting that one person can efficiently oversee multiple kiosks, making it a convenient and cost-effective solution. 

Furthermore, these machines are not bound by any working time directive, allowing them to operate seamlessly. As Beeson explains, “It is designed to pour the perfect pint every time, and it can do so tirelessly from 11 am until 1 o’clock the next morning. It doesn’t require a break.”

Several other companies, including Drink Command in the UK and Pour My Beer in the US, are also exploring the concept of self-service bars. However, unlike the button-pressing approach, these establishments require customers to pour their own pints. While this method may be considered more enjoyable, it is not a skill that everyone possesses.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.