PARIS (Parliament Politics Magazine) – Presidential election 2022: Emmanuel Macron will be the President of the Republic for 5 more years. According to the result of the 2nd round of the 2022 presidential election, he is clearly ahead of Marine Le Pen. Elabe gives the president 57.60%, this estimate will be refined throughout the evening.
ALSO READ: Presidential Election: results of the polls, highlights, the strange campaign
- The result of the 2nd round of the 2022 presidential election has just been revealed. Emmanuel Macron finally wins against Marine Le Pen. The outgoing president will be at the Elysée for 5 more years. The estimates should be further refined in the evening but the result should only change very marginally. Here are the results of this election, Sunday, April 24, according to estimates, as a percentage of the votes casted.
- This guarantees him a second five-year term in office, making him the first French president since Jacques Chirac in 2002 to win re-election.
- Le Pen has admitted defeat, but has promised her supporters that the fight will go on.
- Macron is scheduled to speak to supporters on the Champs de Mars, in front of the Eiffel Tower.
- World leaders, including UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and EU leaders, have begun to express their congratulations.
Second round of the 2022 presidential election: Emmanuel Macron re-elected President of the Republic
Emmanuel Macron came first in the second round of voting, according to initial estimates from the Elabe Institute for BFMTV. The outgoing president won 57.6% of the vote in the second round of the 2022 presidential election against 42.4% of the vote for Marine Le Pen.
Marine Le Pen’s reaction to the 2022 presidential election
Marine Le Pen gave a speech to acknowledge her defeat. “Despite two weeks of unfair and shocking methods, the ideas we represent are carried to the top: tonight’s result is in itself a resounding victory. I extend my deepest gratitude to those who made me confident in the first round and in all those who joined us in the second. Especially to our compatriots from the countryside and overseas provinces who put me in the lead: that honors me and touches me. Determined, we are more than ever. Today I have no resentment or regrets. In this defeat, I can’t help feeling a sense of hope,” says Marine Le Pen.
Marine Le Pen announces: “I will continue my commitment to France”
Buried, we have been buried 1000 times and history has always proven those who wanted to reach us wrong. This result testifies to a great distrust of the French towards the French and European institutions. We will protect them against the disintegration of the social system, against the decline in the retirement age, against judicial laxity, against anarchic immigration. Emmanuel Macron will do nothing to repair the fractures of the country. I will continue my commitment to France and the French people with the perseverance that you know me to have. A great political recomposition is being played out: the game is not quite over: I am betting on the legislative elections. With the legislative voting system which distorts parliamentary representativeness, the risk of seeing Emmanuel Macron with sixteen all powers is real: nobody can accept it as its project on the sovereign and the social is divisive. Faced with those who helped re-elect him, we will be the ones who will not compromise with your interests. We are starting the great battle for the legislative elections this evening. I will lead it with Jordan Bardella, and with all those who have the nation at heart. We will unite our forces against his policy which harms purchasing power and the standard of living”.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants to win the legislative elections
Jean-Luc Mélenchon has barely recorded the victory of Emmanuel Macron that he is now turned towards the elections of June 12 and 19. “You will be able to choose another path, another world is still possible if you elect a maximum of deputies of the new popular union which must expand. The strength that has been built around my candidacy is unprecedented. By calling on you to elect me as Prime Minister, I call on you to bring about a new common future for our people. Refusal of fatality and resignation, long live France and long live the republic”.