Camilla Parker Bowles: Media Success Story

Prince Harry hints in his memoirs that Camilla Parker Bowles has achieved an unusual feat: getting the media to go from hating him to loving her. She has also achieved the impossible, that her father, Carlos III, also changes her attitude towards the press.

Camilla Parker Bowles achieved the impossible: go from being disowned by the British to earning their respect. The first appearances of her in the press tarnished her image, she was called the other, the lover that she had gotten into a marriage. In addition, she had dared to delve into the most controversial of all: that of the future King of the United Kingdom, Prince Charles, and his wife, the glorified Diana of Wales.

Camilla’s rise could have been pure chance or the natural result of time (Diana died in 1997, she was already estranged from the current King of the United Kingdom and she had her own love affairs with her). But Prince Harry, Lady Diana’s youngest son, has thrown a direct dart at Camilla in his spare book. He assures that the 75-year-old British woman did not stitch without a thread.

The year 2005 marked a new era. Camilla stopped being the third in a marriage, as the then Princess of Wales referred to her in her controversial interview with the BBC. In fact, the same year he died in a car accident, Carlos confessed to television. Yes, he had been unfaithful, and that was not going to prevent Camilla from being “her friend for a lifetime.” The newspaper El País published the response he had generated from the heir’s honest talk: “The prince won the general antipathy, and, according to a recent survey, 85% of the interviewees do not want her to marry her eternal lover.”

The spectators empathized with Lady Di and despised that woman who represented betrayal. He also criminalized it for machismo; She was a 50 -year -old lady, divorced, mother of two children, who frequented the holidays and had many acquaintances.

The machinery began to work. Carlos’s new couple wanted to show the opposite, that she was a real, discreet, private woman. The one that had achieved the inevitable; put the emotion to the institution. The Times assured that Carlos was going to be a man committed to a woman, but that he would be a stretcher. “The relationship is not negotiable,” the newspaper referring to Palacio sources.

What Does Prince Harry Accuse Camilla Parker Bowles

The Duchess of Cornualles learned to outline her best smile, a concrete designed for the media. The rest of the royal family members preferred to take another way, to ignore journalists. Or denounce them (especially for what they had suffered with the harassment of the paparazzi, as Harry has confessed).

Camilla Parker Bowles created his personal brand, which he still maintains. She stops in front of the photographers, and even raises her umbrella to heaven to see her better, as Vue’s Point. Their workers follow their line, they are friendly and welcoming.

The only person who does not convince neither her nor her team seems to be Prince Harry, as she writes in her memoirs. Both the Duke of Sussex and Prince Guillermo had asked his father, please, not to marry again. Isabel II’s response was the silence, and the one with a stretcher, acting.

«Soon of our private meetings with her, she began to develop her long -term strategy, a campaign aimed at marriage and, over time, the crown (with our father’s approval, we assumed). News began to appear in all newspapers about their conversation with Willy, chronicles that collected thorough details, none of which came from my brother, of course, ”Harry denounces in his memoirs.

How The Public Image of Carlos III Changed Stretcher

Prince Harry says that the strategy did not stay there: “The filtration was clearly instigated, by the new communication expert that Camila had convinced our father to hire.” Thanks to his agility, Camilla managed to gnaw the hardest bone of all: Carlos III’s character before the cameras.

He had been labeled as sour on numerous occasions. Unlike other charismatic royals, he was introverted and preferred his intimacy. His attitude was criticized long before the gesture of tiredness that went viral last year. The anecdote of his irrational anger against a pen turned around the world. As if hiding who it really is.

Camilla’s plan was to remove any chance of eclipsing her popularity. For example, a spokesperson for her father’s press office rebuked Guillermo’s team because her wife, Kate Middleton, was scheduled to visit a tennis club on the same day that her father had another commitment.

“When told it was too late to cancel the visit, the spokesman warned: ‘Then make sure the Duchess doesn’t appear in any photos with a tennis racket in hand!’ Without a doubt, a photograph of that style, so attractive and victorious, would have removed my father and Camilla from all front pages, ”describes Harry.

According to the prince, Camilla had the situation under control. She was willing to sacrifice everything for her or Carlos to improve her image. When Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle, suffered harassment from the press, she did not hesitate to give him some hopeless advice. She told him it was the way they treated newcomers. That she, her lover, had been read as the bad guy in the past. But, according to the duke, Camilla had more support, such as “collaborations with the press editor Geordie Greig,” he points out directly.

In the end, she made it. Camilla Parker Bowles married Prince Charles. From the day of the celebration of it, Harry can criticize little. «I wanted many things, but I surprised myself to discover, during the wedding, that what I wanted most, despite everything, was for my father to be happy. Strange as it may seem, he wanted Camila to be happy ». He was beaming with joy. Tests? the photos of that day. (But they were the official ones, not stolen from the press).

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