Will Boris Johnson make it to another general election? | Parliament Politics Magazine

Will Boris Johnson make it to another general election?

London (Parliament Politics Magazine) – As Boris Johnson confirmed that he did take part in ‘Bring your own booze’ parties at Downing Street during the first lockdown he sparked fury with the country he serves. May 2020, when the alleged parties took place was in the middle of the first lockdown when it was banned to meet any other person outside, let alone 30.

While thousands of Brits followed the rules set out by the prime minister and made sacrifices; missing funerals, loved ones, and having important medical appointments canceled, the members of Downing Street took to the garden for a social gathering that many are unlikely to forget in a hurry.

Boris Johnson’s apology seemed laughable as he insisted that the ‘party’ was indeed work-related.

MPs within the Prime Ministers’ own party are now calling for him to step down after yet another illegal gathering has recently come to light.

Who might replace Boris Johnson if he resigns?

In truth, it is very unlikely that Boris Johnson will resign in the near future, especially as there has yet to be an investigation into the alleged parties at Downing Street. There are a couple of candidates who would be considered to step into the role if the opportunity did arise.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss appears to be a favourite choice. She is currently leading ongoing Brexit talks and supports free-market economics.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak would also be a worthy successor, he has shown great potential after taking over the former health secretary Sajid Javid.

Both have risen fast within the Tory party and are currently playing vital parts within the Conservatives.

Other names in the pipeline include Jeremy Hunt, Michael Gove, Sajid Javid, and Dominic Raab

When is the next general election?

The next general election is planned for May 2024, which may sound far into the future. Campaigns are being planned and will start to emerge later this year. If Boris Johnson avoids resignation, then it may be sometime before we see a new fact at number 10.

General elections are held every five years in the UK, unless the current Prime Minister receives a vote of no confidence in the House of Commons, with no new government being formed within the next 14 days, a situation which at this time seems highly unlikely.

Could Boris Johnson win another general election?

The latest rating polls show the lowest Tory ratings since 2013 with Labour rising in the results.

The Times by YouGov performed a survey and found that Labour had gained a 10-point lead for the first time in almost a decade.

The survey also found that over 50% of people thought Boris Johnson should resign, with the majority of these people being Tory supporters at the last election. Will these people be swayed by other political parties when it comes to voting day?

The next two years of party campaigns could leave to the biggest shift in party reign for over a decade if Labour is able to sway voters and keep the lead against the Tories.

Sammy Wilson

Sammy Wilson is a writer and journalist based in the UK. She graduated from university of De Montfort University. She is a freelance writer working with a range of clients writing about UK politics and social news.