‘Stop wasting time’ in govt talks, economic solutions, says Lebanon’s Hariri

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Lebanon's Saad Hariri on Sunday urged politicians to urgently form a new government and find solutions for the country's economic crisis, after a night of violent clashes between security forces and protesters.


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"There is a roadmap to calm the popular storm. Stop wasting time, form a government, open the door to political and economic solutions," tweeted Hariri, who resigned as prime minister in October under pressure from a wave of protests.

أخيراً كلمة إلى اهلي في #طرابلس والشمال، يعز عليّ ان يقال انه تم استقدام شبان باسمكم لأعمال العنف أمس. لكنني أعلم ان كرامة بيروت أمانة رفيق الحريري عندكم وانتم خط الدفاع عن سلامتها وضمير التحركات الشعبية ووجهها الطيب. احذروا رفاق السوء وراقبوا ما يقوله الشامتون بتخريب العاصمة ٣/٣

— Saad Hariri (@saadhariri) January 19, 2020

"To keep the army, security forces and protesters in a state of confrontation is to circle inside the problem," he said.

Lebanon has been paralysed by three months of protests demanding an overhaul of the entire political system.

Hariri, who resigned as premier in October, said the violence threatened civil peace. "It is an insane, suspicious and rejected scene," he tweeted.

After the unrest pushed Hariri to quit, feuding politicians have failed to agree on a new cabinet or rescue plan. The Lebanese pound has lost nearlRead More – Source