LONDON (Parliament Politics Magazine): When you’re a young student, you like to go to sleep late and don’t like to wake up before 8am. You prefer to stay in your nest until well into the day. But as you get older, you cope better with less sleep.
For many, there is nothing more difficult than having to get up early. Perhaps that will change as you become aware of the benefits of waking up early.
1. More time to yourself
If you get up early, you can shower without stress, listen to the radio news and take care of some personal matters. You also make sure that you don’t get overwhelmed by a sudden plethora of things that urgently need to be dealt with. In other words: you can acclimatise at your leisure, before the work really starts.
2. Time for exercise
Instead of going for a jog in the evening, you now have plenty of time to get in a healthy dose of exercise before dawn. Morning exercises are said to balance your circadian rhythm (your biological rhythm whose cycle lasts about one day), so it is said.
3. Smoother commute
Sometimes the difference between a smooth commute and total traffic chaos can be as little as 15 minutes. So there is naturally enough time to leave for work a little earlier. You will avoid a lot of unnecessary stress.
4. A peaceful breakfast
If you get up too late, at most you have time to eat a quick bite. There are those who don’t even eat breakfast which is very unhealthy. Get up a little earlier and eat in peace. You can do things better with a full stomach than with an empty one.
5. Increased productivity
A survey of 20 CEOs from a number of large companies such as Pepsi, Motorola, Avaya and Xerox found that they all had one thing in common: they all got up before 6 a.m. According to the respondents, getting up early improves their productivity.
6. Better functionality
Science says our brains function best during the early hours. A study by a Texas university found that students who wake up early are better students than those who slept well into the day.
7. A healthier life
If you get up early, you can plan your day much more broadly. He (or she) can spend more time on tasks such as getting the kids ready for school, taking the kids to school, etc. This leads to less stress and consequently a healthier lifestyle: less stomach problems, hair loss, poor blood circulation, etc.