Boost your energy, without caffeine, here’s how

LONDON (Parliament Politics Magazine) – Energy too short? Don’t start your working day with a dip, but go for it enthusiastically. With these 10 tips, which do not involve caffeine, you will give your energy the necessary boost!

1. Sports

Regular exercise gives you more energy. Although it is often difficult to get started, you often feel reborn after exercise. And that feeling can last for a long time.

2. Fruits

It goes without saying that eating enough fruit is beneficial for your energy level. Five pieces of fruit or vegetables a day is ideal, but if you can’t get enough of this, try to stick to a minimum of three pieces daily. This is also a must for your health!

3. A good night’s sleep

A good night’s sleep is crucial to start the next day energetically. Therefore, avoid certain distractions in bed, such as checking your emails on your smartphone or watching television on your iPad. How much sleep a person needs varies from person to person. Whether it’s five hours a night or a minimum of eight hours, try to get to the number of hours of sleep that’s ideal for you to function well the next day.

4. A cold shower

An invigorating shower immediately makes you alert and ensures that sleepy head gives a way to a rested and awake body. Although a hot shower can be very relaxing, it is, however,  advisable to take a cold shower when you have an energy shortage.

5. A massage

Massages do wonders for those who feel tired and exhausted. Sore muscles are loosened and your blood circulation is stimulated by a massage. Your mind also gets more energy from it, because you can completely reset your mind while getting a massage.

6. Smaller Meals

Smaller portions and eating more regularly is the key to more energy. Eating large meals makes you sleepy, so opt for more modest portions. Anyone who does not eat anything for more than four hours also invariably suffers from an energy dip. This can be avoided by eating pieces of fruit or other healthy snacks between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner.

7. A chat

Your alertness is promoted through social interaction. Those who live or work in isolation will have to deal with negative thoughts and low productivity, while social contact – such as talking, gossiping or telephone – arouses your curiosity.

8. A walk

To get more energy, it is recommended to stretch your legs every now and then. Walking keeps you sharp and is an easy solution to fix a bad mood.

9. Meditation

Negative thoughts are bad for your energy level. Meditating for a while can help you take your focus off all the negative things in your life and just think about nothing for a while. And that does more good than you think!

10. Vitamin B

The feeling of having little energy can be a sign of a vitamin B deficiency. If you do not get enough vitamin B from your diet, you can opt for supplements, which you can get in pharmacies and are best taken in the morning with breakfast.