
British police say Johnson aide Cummings made minor lockdown breach

Issued on: 28/05/2020 – 16:23Modified: 28/05/2020 – 16:28

British Prime Minister Boris Johnsons adviser likely broke the governments coronavirus regulations by traveling during lockdown, but will not face further action, police said Thursday.


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The adviser, Dominic Cummings, has acknowledged driving 250 miles (400 km) to his parents house in Durham, northeast England, at the end of March and later taking another drive to a scenic town 30 miles (50 km) away.

Durham Constabulary said the drive to Durham did not breach the rules but the second trip, to the town of Barnard Castle, might have been “a minor breach” of lockdown rules “that would have warranted police intervention.”

The force said that had Cummings been stopped by an officer at the time he would likely have been ordered to turn around, but “there is no intention to take retrospective action.”

More than 14,000 people in Britain have been fined by police for violating a ban on all but essential travel that was imposed March 23 to help slow the spread of the virus.

Johnson has resisted calls to fire Cummings, his most senior aide and the architect of the Conservative Partys December election victory, for apparently flouting restrictions that the government imposed on the rest of the country.

Cummings has defended his actions, saying he traveled to ensure that his 4-year-old son could be looked after if he and his wife, who both had coronavirus symptoms, became sick. He says he drove to Barnard Castle to test whether hiRead More – Source