BVI Delegation Visits UK Parliament To Build Strong Relations


UK (Parliament Politic Magazine) – A prominent delegation from the Virgin Islands (VI) recently embarked on a significant visit to the United Kingdom (UK) Parliament. The primary objective of this visit was to strengthen inter-parliamentary relations and modernize the House of Assembly (HOA) in the Virgin Islands. As stated in a press release from the HOA, the delegation was led by House Speaker Corine George-Massicote and comprised influential figures from the territory’s political sphere.

Series Of Crucial Meetings Held At The Parliament

Among those in attendance were the Minister for Communications and Works, Kye Rymer, the Opposition Leader, Ronnie Skelton, the Attorney General, Dawn Smith, the Third District Representative, Julian Fraser, and the Eighth District Representative, Marlon Penn.

The group was accompanied by the Clerk of the House of Assembly, Phyllis Evans, the Public Relations Officer, Linton Leonard, and the Acting Director of the BVI London Office, Tracy Bradshaw.

During a series of crucial meetings hosted at the House of Commons, the delegation was able to foster stronger ties with their UK counterparts. They made significant strides in enhancing collaboration, exchanging best practices, and promoting mutual understanding in various parliamentary matters.

The Minister for Communications and Works, Kye Rymer, played a pivotal role in these meetings, showcasing his expertise and dedication to improving communication and infrastructure within the British Virgin Islands. Opposition Leader, Ronnie Skelton, brought his valuable insights and perspectives to the table, ensuring a well-rounded discussion.

Attorney General, Dawn Smith, provided legal expertise and guidance, ensuring that all discussions adhered to the highest standards of legality and fairness. Third District Representative, Julian Fraser, brought his extensive knowledge of the district’s unique challenges and opportunities, contributing to the development of effective strategies.

Interactive Meetings Covered A Lot Of Topics

Eighth District Representative, Marlon Penn, showcased his commitment to the betterment of his district and the British Virgin Islands as a whole. His presence added depth and diversity to the delegation, ensuring a comprehensive representation of the region’s interests.

The delegation was fortunate to have the support and guidance of the Clerk of the House of Assembly, Phyllis Evans, who ensured that all proceedings ran smoothly and efficiently. Public Relations Officer, Linton Leonard, played a crucial role in disseminating information and maintaining positive relations with the media.

Acting Director of the BVI London Office, Tracy Bradshaw, provided valuable insights into the UK political landscape and facilitated productive discussions between the delegation and their UK counterparts.

Exchanges At The Meeting Were Highly Productive 

An initial meeting was held between George-Massicote and UK House Speaker, Lindsay Hoyle, setting the stage for in-depth discussions on crucial matters concerning parliamentary affairs, governance, and inter-parliamentary cooperation.

According to the press release, these interactive meetings covered a wide range of topics, including standing orders, digital transformation, bill committees, and the functioning of the Inter-parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA), as well as the role of the UK’s Governance Office.

The exchanges were described as highly productive, with the House of Assembly (HOA) emphasizing a mutual commitment to strengthening inter-parliamentary cooperation, sharing expertise, and learning from each other’s experiences.

Officials stated that the insights gained from this mission will be instrumental in advancing the territory’s parliamentary practices and enhancing governance mechanisms, starting with the Fifth House of Assembly.

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Constructive Interparliamentary Discussions Within The Parliament 

Their discussions centered around crucial matters of mutual interest, with a focus on strengthening the ties between the Virgin Islands and the United Kingdom. The presence of such a distinguished delegation from the Virgin Islands demonstrates the commitment and dedication of the VI government to engage in fruitful exchanges with their counterparts in the United Kingdom.

 This visit serves as a testament to the importance placed on fostering strong interparliamentary relationships and working towards shared goals. Through these constructive interparliamentary discussions, the delegation from the Virgin Islands aims to enhance understanding, cooperation, and collaboration between the two nations. 

By engaging in open and productive dialogue, they seek to address common challenges, explore opportunities for growth, and promote the well-being of both the Virgin Islands and the United Kingdom. 

This high-level delegation, under the leadership of the esteemed Speaker of the House of Assembly of the Virgin Islands, Honourable Corine George-Massicote, consisted of prominent figures from the VI’s political landscape. 

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.