Defiant King Of Morocco

Mohammed VI is first of all the supreme fighter, the Man of challenges who never challenges himself, who never gives up – let us know this – he is our happy conscience, the leader loved, respected, dubbed, finally the democrat.
This is a new step that Morocco has just passed for sure. The celebration on Sunday July 30 of the twenty-fourth anniversary of the enthronement of His Majesty King Mohammed VI gives us the real measure of this in that it testifies to this strong symbiosis which, steeped in the long history of Moroccans, characterizes this irreducible reality. If we were to highlight this symbiosis again, the pact of allegiance that unites the King and his people confirms it again and again. It is to our history what the base is to a building that continues to rise, the alliance of the spiritual embodied by Amir al-Mouminine and political temporality, today we would say contemporary. Morocco embodies one of the oldest, if not the oldest monarchy in history and it is not a sin of pride to say it and reaffirm it.

The dynastic dimension that it carries like a mast is matched only by its place as a free and independent country that it has constantly assumed, braving challenges, storms and a rather dramatic succession of imperialist and colonial interventions. Twenty-one dynasties took turns to forge a nation, to endow it with the capacity to take up hardships, to face up to aggression, in short to strengthen a national consciousness and stimulate solidarity with other peoples, neighbors and even distant ones. . Morocco was the very first Arab-Muslim country to establish friendly relations with the young Republic of the United States, born in the 18th century in the expatriate limbo of Europe, and the intense exchange of letters having the value of Diplomatic recognition in 1787 between George Washington and Sultan Mohammed Ben Abdallah bears the indelible mark of Morocco’s assertive leadership at a time when, it should be remembered, Europe was under the thumb of monarchies and dictatorial powers. It is an understatement to say that our country obviously shone with a diplomacy traced with the chisel of wisdom and Reason. But also that the friendship established between the two Heads of State, Mohammed Ben Abdallah and Georges Washington constituted, in addition to the pioneering act, the founding act of faith whose depth we still measure today.

read also: Macron hails the remarkable successes achieved by Morocco under the reign of King Mohammed VI

During the Second World War of 1939-1945, which then saw the dangerous rise of Nazism and Hitler’s determination to enslave Europe and the world, thousands of Moroccan soldiers were engaged in furious combat by the United States. to take part in the fighting and to make a major contribution to the liberation of the peoples of Europe. So much so that Morocco has been described as the “Ally of the Allies”, in view of the commitment of its soldiers in decisive battles with their American colleagues.

Like an Ariadne’s thread, Morocco’s action is illustrated by one constant: loyalty to the values of peace. Its Kings have never departed from this, attached as they have remained to the intangible principle of unity and solidarity. At the Algeciras Conference, organized in 1906 in this same South Iberian city by at least a dozen imperialist powers, including England, France, Germany, Tsarist Russia, to name only those who had a direct link with the Kingdom, our country constituted the central, nodal problem and had openly fed ferocious appetites between the powers. The Cherifian Empire quite simply aroused covetousness and the various powers allied against it displayed all shame in their irascible and fierce determination to carve it up, as evidenced by the General Act adopted at the end of the conference which constitutes a true and immoral casus belli…

The difficult times in which Morocco was living naturally lent itself to this European interventionism against our country, then led by a Sultan, Moulay Abdelaziz, timorous and pusillanimous who, unlike his father, Moulay Hassan 1st, could not face the attacks conjugates of Europe and which we had, rightly or wrongly, decked out with weakness. The outcome of the Algeciras Conference illustrated two paradoxes: the first was due to the power of the Kingdom of Morocco, over which dozens of colonial powers had been wreaked havoc, the second constituted what Lenin – the great Lenin – presented as the “imperial wars” between opposing powers with voracious appetites for expansionism. If it were not a power, the Kingdom of Morocco would never have stirred the appetites of these powers or even caught their eye. It had resisted the conquest of the Ottoman power of Turkey and its janissaries, its territories were

stretched – and history eloquently reminds us of this – to the sub-Saharan borders, encompassing a dozen provinces to the east, arbitrarily granted by France, the beautiful France of Guy Mollet, of the SFIO and of General de Gaulle in Algeria which suddenly saw itself swollen and enlarged by our lands… French possession until July 1962, Algeria whose first president Farhat Abbas had undertaken in July 1961 before Hassan II, to respect an agreement on the borders, the Algeria of Ben Bella which then launched a war against us in October 1963 by attacking and without warning Figuig and the surrounding localities, Algeria betrayed by its Apparatchiks, that of Boukharrouba alias Boumediene – domiciled with others for years in Oujda – Algeria which, to use a phrase from BelaĂŻd Abdeslam, former Minister of Industry, wanted to make Morocco “his vegetable garden” and become the industrial state of region, Algeria which denied all its commitments, that of Garat DjĂ©bilat to begin with, of Ifrane and Rabat on the borders…

We have never ceased to say and demonstrate that the Kingdom of Morocco has never been a nation like the others, nor a State made according to the software that prevailed in the process of the tormented and violent decolonizations of the sixties. Sovereign and displaying his desire to promote cooperation – which is not an empty word – he is in all fights for peace and security. Three Kings, each in their own way and style, have taken in hand the destiny of a country which, today, prances under the reign of Mohammed VI in terms of major achievements and reforms. The repertoire of the latter cannot reach supreme completeness as they are numerous and still emerge every day, covering an infinite space.

Time, space and action: these three dimensions embody a categorical imperative for Mohammed VI, they inspire and guide his vision, imprinted with a will that is anchored to the body in everything he undertakes. It should be emphasized that there was never a distinction with him between “big or small” projects, but the concern for a job well done, well done and the particular interest shown without emphasis in everything that increases our country and hoists it on the pinnacle. We must soak up the wisdom of this King who, in his sixties, has seen and experienced it and who is to Morocco what real commitment is to patriotism stuck on the chest like a trinket. It would be enough for us to read again this rhetorical ancestry of a King who sacrifices his health and carries the fight in the name of all and all Moroccans to teach us wisdom, tolerance and gives us at every moment the lesson of the things of life, the duty of patriotism, the virtue of “Jidia” and “ijtihad”, tells us so with pedagogy and didacticism.

In the long wake of the Ancestral Monarchy which is the incandescent mirror of our more than millennial history, there is this white thread on which is printed a “long duration” which reminds us of the relevance of the historicity specific to Fernand Braudel – that we will never stop quoting – that of the monarchical reign, which is, more than political, the biological dimension of our country. Mohammed VI is first of all the supreme fighter, the man of challenges who never challenges himself, who never gives up – let us know – he is our happy conscience, the leader loved, respected, dubbed and exemplary.

This article is originally published on

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.