The fifth full moon of the year, known as the flower moon, is rising this Wednesday, and it’s going to be a Lunar Eclipse. This isn’t only important information for people who want to admire the Moon or those who use the Moon as a spiritual guide, it’s important for everyone who needs a good night’s sleep over the next couple of nights. chatted to the sleep experts at Dormeo and astrologer Francesca Oddie (@francesaoddieastrology on Instagram) to find out whether or not Full Moons affect sleep.
Our bodies are made up of 60 percent water, so it would be remiss of us to assume the Moon wouldn’t impact us as much as it does the ocean’s tides.
On a New and Full Moon, when the Sun, Moon and Earth are in alignment, the Moon’s gravitational pull generates tidal force and causes the water on Earth to bulge out on the sides closest to and farthest from the Moon.
These bulges are high tides and they are the highest on Full and New Moons.
Some people argue that the Full and New Moons pull us and change our energy.
If you often struggle to sleep during a full moon, you’re not alone.
For centuries, human beings have suspected that the Moon may be keeping them awake at night and have called the phenomenon ‘lunar insomnia’.
The experts at Dormeo said: “While it may seem strange that something as far away as the Moon can affect our nightly rest, it’s important to remember that it affects all sorts of things, from the tides to animal behaviour.
“The Moon is a clock, compass, and a source of light to life on earth, and there are even species of animal that only breed during certain moon phases.
“So, it makes sense that the Moon and its different phases may also affect humans — including our ability to fall asleep.”
The Moon is often considered more of a part of science than general astrology.
However, astrologer Francesca Oddie says astrology IS science but it is underfunded.
She said: “The only part of astrology that is researched is regarding the Moon and tidal parts.
“Astrology is just observing nature and we might use different linguistics but ultimately we are talking about the same thing in a different way.”
People spend the New Moons and Full Moons using their crystals and holding Full Moon ceremonies, which can often seem so whimsical it puts people off the idea of the Moon having any impact on us physically.
However, Francesca said the Full Moon really does keep us up at night and science backs this up.
Francesca said: “People often find it hard to sleep before a Full Moon because there are heightened energies and we are all feeling more emotional.”
The Full Moon affects the water on Earth and in astrology, water is associated with emotions and feelings.
This Full Moon is in Sagittarius – a sign known for being restless and free-spirited – so this will double the effects.
If astrology isn’t scientific enough for you, plenty of studies support the idea of lunar insomnia.
According to the sleep experts at Dormeo, participants in a 2018 study found it harder to fall asleep, had inferior quality sleep, and even slept for a shorter amount of time during a full moon despite sleeping in a controlled environment at the time. Sleepless night, the moon is bright: longitudinal study of lunar phase and sleep – PubMed
A 2021 study found that lunar activity caused nocturnal behaviour in humans, with participants from indigenous and rural communities going to sleep later and having a shorter amount of rest on the nights leading up to the Full Moon. Moonstruck sleep: Synchronization of human sleep with the moon cycle under field conditions
The reason behind this might not even be to do with the tides or anything complex, it could be down to the extra moonlight.
According to Sleep Foundation, light during sleeping hours disrupts our circadian rhythm, which is what our bodies use to work out when we need to be alert and when to go to sleep.
When the moon is full, it’s much brighter and that could be what’s keeping you awake.
How to get enough sleep during a Full Moon
If you’re looking for ways to get a good night sleep during full moons or other celestial events, Dormeo recommend following three important steps to help send you to sleep.
First of all, you should avoid consuming alcohol, caffeine, sugar, fatty foods and greasy foods before bed.
Instead, stick to dairy and proteins full of tryptophan if you need a late-night snack.
Whatever you like to eat before bed, make sure you do it in moderation so that you’re not kept awake digesting your supper.
You should also exercise in the daytime and then do some light exercise such as yoga before bed to help you switch off, improve your blood flow, stretch your body and focus on your breathing.
Make sure your bed is comfy and clean and keep the blinds or curtains closed.