Specialist Kevin Williams examines the new trend that starts from the United Kingdom and which involves the entire global entertainment industry, launching a new challenge.
New Opportunities For The Entertainment Industry
The new opportunities for the entertainment industry arise from the social. The specialist Kevin Williams of Spider Entertainment is convinced of this, having dedicated a specific seminar to this theme at the Eag Expo in London. During which he examines the emergence of a new facet of the leisure entertainment scene that has a direct impact on the traditional model of amusement. What he calls “The latest entertainment trend that is sweeping the British and international scene”, called “Competitive Socialising” (or “Social Entertainment”).
“It is easy to realize that the public has returned today thirsting for entertainment and receptive environments that are socially inclusive – explains Williams -. The privations of the lockdown a few years ago have prompted many industry experts to argue that restaurants, bars, cinema and entertainment would be shut down, only to have to bite back a few months after restrictions were lifted.As with other major upheavals in social life we also see new elements emerging in popularity.Along with cashless payment now starring in many aspects of life, “There has been continued growth in what has been called social entertainment and by others dubbed ‘competitive socializing.’ Fueled by the need for groups to have fun, as well as sharing hospitality, a new genre of entertainment venue has emerged.” .
“The term ‘competitive socialisation’ – explains the expert – was mainly coined for the use of entertainment venues within these new types of premises – places that see competition and games at the centre. The UK has become a springboard for many of these new concepts, with many employed elements familiar to anyone in the entertainment industry but now packaged into a venue device that also includes sophisticated dining offerings.”
“Aspects seen range from places like Puttshack – which incorporates digitally added mini-golf – or Flight Club, which dispenses digitally added darts, the add is gamification, with scoring and unique mini-games offered by touch screens for game selection , scoring and the all-important ordering of food and drinks. The gamification element of traditional entertainment activities sees venues including darts and bowling in augmented reality. At the same time we see Clays offering skeet shooting on a digital screen or Sixes offering offers cricket recreated through a digital screen”.
But the innovation of this social entertainment approach doesn’t stop there. “Now we have fully immersive game environments like with Immersive Gamebox and its unique experience. We’ve also seen creating parties using hospitality-backed games of skill with Fairgame. And now we even have car racing simulators placed in luxurious bar and restaurant environment with F1 Arcade. All of these can be perceived as personalized entertainment placed in unique environments, but traditional video entertainment – both the latest and retro – is also finding its way into social entertainment, with the likes of retro arcade bars such as NQ64: Arcade Bar or Four Quarters. All these offers use the UK as a springboard.” To then expand everywhere, evidently.
The Question For The Entertainment Industry
“The question for the entertainment industry is, how much of this innovation will be powered by the current collection of games and attractions already on sale? Or will we see manufacturers having to strengthen their product line to include items specifically developed to work in the environments of social entertainment? But above all, could this be the beginning of an even greater renaissance for the away-from-home entertainment sector, which must have fun?” Williams, at the Eag, launched the challenge. Now it’s up to the industry to collect it, together with the fruits that will derive from it.
This article is originally published on gioconews.it