Edinburgh Torchlight March For EU Return

Hundreds of Scots demonstrated today in Edinburgh, on the third anniversary of the effective entry into force of Brexit, in a torchlight procession against it and as a symbol of desire for back to Europe.

Armed with torches and different luminous objects, the demonstrators protested against the abandonment of the EU (which a majority of Scots rejected in the Brexit referendum in 2016), on an unpleasant day due to the storm of wind that the bagpipes and songs tried to make more bearable

“I was European, my children will not be born European,” laments Rodger Brendan, a Scottish scientist and soon to be father of a family, in statements to EFE with his torch in hand: “They lost the right to move, I lost my right to move around Europe .”

On this day, in 2020, the separation of the United Kingdom from the EU was made official, which the British voted (52% to 48%) in June 2016 after extensive negotiations, which the then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson , culminated after almost four years.

The Majority of Scots (62%) Chose to Stay

When Scotland voted to stay or leave the European Union in 2016, the majority of Scots (62%) chose to stay in the EU, as did Northern Irish.

According to the latest survey by Survation, on the occasion of this third anniversary, if the vote were repeated Scotland would vote overwhelmingly (67%) to remain in the EU.

“Brexit was always based on a series of falsehoods and lies,” said Scottish Government Minister Lorna Sloter, of the Green Party, who was waiting for the demonstration to arrive outside the Scottish regional Parliament.

To this day, none of the main parties in the United Kingdom, Conservatives in government and Labor in opposition, contemplates the option of repeating the consultation, despite the fact that 45% of the British population believes that the situation is now worse, according to a recent survey published by Ipsos Mori.

“We are poorer, we are more damaged. The UK is smaller, Scotland is smaller”, said the European spokesperson for the Scottish National Party (SNP), Alyn Smith, who also participated in the protest: “It is the only negotiation in the history of humanity in which all the world came out worse.

“The longer Brexit lasts, the more difficult it will be to reverse it,” Sloter said. That is why independence is so essential,” she added, to cheers from those present.

The Scottish Government, made up of the SNP and the Greens, advocates the independence of Scotland from the United Kingdom as the only way to return to the European Union.

This article is originally published on es-us.noticias.yahoo.com