EU Accused Of Holding UK ‘Prisoner’ To Get Access to £81bn Scheme 


EU Parliament Politic Magazine) – Prominent Brexit advocate, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, has leveled serious allegations against the European Union, claiming that it is employing its esteemed £81 billion science initiative, Horizon, as a means to intimidate the United Kingdom. 

This accusation comes in the wake of Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s decision to postpone the verdict on the country’s potential reentry into the research consortium until after the summer. Europe has been holding the UK as a prisoner as they are interested to get a hold on the big scheme. 

Deliberations between Rishi Sunak and Ursula von der Leyen have been underway, aiming to establish the conditions under which the UK could once again become a part of the esteemed scientific community. The United Kingdom is hesitant to join the EU again as this could lead to a serious disadvantage to the country. 

An agreement Has Not Been Reached As Yet

However, an agreement has not yet been reached, and Sir Iain Duncan Smith does not believe that the proposed arrangement is in the best interests of the taxpayer.

In an interview with, Sir Iain expressed his concerns, stating, “I don’t think it provides value for money. We have little control over where the funds are allocated.”

The former Tory leader also criticized the EU for making the UK’s participation in joint scientific research challenging. He accused France and Germany of exploiting the UK’s legitimate interest in rejoining Horizon Europe. The European countries have been exploiting the interests of the UK as they do not want to share the benefits that come out of the deal. 

Sir Iain further explained, “The truth is, the EU has shown its political nature by using Horizon as a weapon to bully the UK. Do we want to be beholden to a club that prioritizes politics over science?” EU has been promoting a toxic environment and this has made the UK think about the decision to rejoin the EU in any kind of business development. 

“They are well aware of the leverage they have. Just observe what happens when they exclude us. Do we want to entrust our future scientific endeavors to a group that disregards UK science?”

“The EU has revealed its true intentions. Only fools would fail to recognize that the EU employs every means at its disposal to hinder the UK and stop it from gaining any profit. 

The Proposed Agreement Is Not Suitable For Tax Payers 

Sir Iain Duncan Smith believes that the proposed agreement is not in the taxpayer’s best interests. He criticizes the EU for using Horizon Europe as a political tool and questions whether the UK should align itself with a group that disregards its scientific contributions.

The current impasse between the negotiating parties centers on the UK’s financial contributions to the scheme and the potential disparity in benefits. Under the proposed terms, the UK would be expected to contribute approximately £1.7 billion, but concerns have been raised about the potential lack of returns for British science.

Sir Iain has thrown his support behind Pioneer, an alternative UK-led scientific research program. The Department for Science, Innovation, and Technology has outlined the basis for this alternative plan on its website.

 It states, “While the government is actively discussing the association with Horizon Europe, we are committed to ensuring a fair and advantageous agreement for the UK’s researchers, businesses, and taxpayers. If association on these terms cannot be secured, we will forge ahead with Pioneer – a bold and ambitious alternative.”

Read More: France and Britain Battle It Out For Europe’s A.I. Crown

Prime Minister Chooses To Postpone The Decision On Rejoining Horizon

The Member of Parliament representing Chingford and Woodford Green expressed support for the Prime Minister’s choice to postpone the decision on rejoining Horizon until after the summer.

He stated, “Rishi Sunak’s decision to exercise caution is commendable. As a matter of fact, our nation stands at the forefront of scientific advancements. Europe relies on the United Kingdom more than the United Kingdom relies on Europe.”

Furthermore, he endorsed Pioneer and firmly believed that it would attract substantial investments into British scientific endeavors.

He elaborated, “Our scientific achievements are highly sought after by other nations. Consequently, this would result in significant investments being made in our esteemed universities.”

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.