Facts Revealed: Would The UK Survive A Nuclear War?

Nuclear Attach Illustration in UK

London (Parliament Politics Magazine) – If there is a nuclear war between Russia and United States, the UK will be in a fix. They will naturally get themselves entangled in a crossfire. Moreover, the entire global population will be under the threat. According to a new revelation, more than five billion people can die due to famine. It will happen due to the aftermath of the conflict. However, the only countries that can survive this nuclear war will be Argentina and Australia. Around 90% of the population in the UK will starve to death.

UK Controls More Than 13,000 Nuclear Weapons

A total of nine nations including the UK is controlling more than 13,000 nuclear weapons. The online tools Nukemap and ‘Missilemap’ that are created by Alex Wellerstein showcase the potentially catastrophic outcomes. All will not seem to go well if east-west tension continues to result in WW3.

The Topol (ss-25) which is a deadly weapon is already in the hands of Russia’s arsenal. Surprisingly it can kill nearly 1 million people. It can injure around 2.2 million if dropped in the city of London. The range of this blast is around 800kt bomb and the entire city will be facing the aftereffects. Whether it is in the north or down to Croydon in the South, everyone will have to suffer. According to a tweet by ‘Nuclear War in the UK:

The Direct Effects Of Nuclear War Can Be Horrific

Everyone in the UK knows well that they have to face the direct effects of nuclear war. It will be no less than horrific. Hiroshima and Nagasaki,’ Professor Alan Robock has recently revealed a lot in his study. You can check out the publication in the Journal Nature Food. Here is what they say:

‘Our work shows that more than ten times as many people could die in the rest of the world because of the impacts on climate and agriculture.’

In simple words, firestorms can occur due to the high level of explosion. It will shoot up into the upper atmosphere and may block the sunlight. As a result, it could mean crop failure all around the globe. When there is a worldwide collapse of agriculture and import or export it can be a threat to the economy.

However, Britain is among those countries that have a high level of nuclear capability. It’s not likely that they will draw into an exchange of fire, especially with Russia. Even if Putin makes a threat to drop a bomb there, they can make their efforts to stay safe. The new tweet by Timothy Snyder reveals:

How Likely Is A Nuclear Attack On The UK?

As Vladimir Putin is intensifying the war again Ukraine, the threats of nuclear war keep increasing too. Many experts are giving their reviews regarding this matter. Currently, there is no countermeasure to the missile threat. However, everyone will likely prioritize defense research. The threat that seems to come underway will be put into a different perspective.

Russia may not be able to mass produce all the systems. There can be a limited amount of stockpile for the system. Moreover, the means are limited to delivering all the systems together. For now, the hypersonic missile is capable of posing a threat that cannot be ignored. Some experts believe that the chances of a strike against the UK will not be high. While others believe that it can be a big threat even now.

Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) that are in the possession of Russia can’t destroy big cities. London and Washington have their ways to protect the pollution. ICBMs can easily reach the top speed during the first 10 minutes of launch. If it is fired from Russia it can reach the UK within 20 minutes.

Can UK Stop A Nuclear Missile?

A lot of discussions regarding the nuclear missile threat is happening. The Government must work hard to offer survival kits for all the citizens. They must have a nuclear strike independently even if USA doesn’t get involved. 

A lot will depend on the intent of strike or the condition of prevailing winds on that particular. However, if it a counter-value strike is aimed at the entire UK they have to be even more careful. Many prominent professors and experts are giving their views on this situation.

According to Professor Futter:

“We can’t intercept and destroy incoming Russian ballistic missiles. “Since the early Cold War, the UK has effectively relied on deterrence because defense (either active missile defenses or passive civil defense) are hugely expensive and in some cases unworkable’’.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.