Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning: July 4, 2023 Press Conference Recap

CCTV: On July 3, Hong Kong police issued arrest warrants for eight anti-China rioters who fled overseas, including Kevin Yam. The United States, the United Kingdom and Australia expressed their concern and even “condemned” this decision. What is China’s comment on this?

Mao Ning: We are deeply displeased with some countries’ blatant slander of Hong Kong’s National Security Law and their interference in the rule of law in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), and we we strongly oppose it.

Kevin Yam and the others have long engaged in anti-China activities aimed t destabilizing Hong Kong. After fleeing overseas, they acted even more blatantly to stir up trouble and continued to incite the division of the country and the subversion of state power, serving as pawns for external anti-China forces in their efforts to interfere in Hong Kong affairs. Their heinous actions seriously violate Hong Kong’s National Security Law, seriously threaten the limits of “one country, two systems”, seriously damage Hong Kong’s core interests, and seriously undermine China’s sovereignty and security as well as than its development interests. Justice will never be late or absent. Hong Kong police have issued arrest warrants against these destabilizing elements in accordance with the National Security Law and other local laws. It is a just act that meets the aspirations of the people and upholds the rule of law, an act necessary to safeguard the authority of Hong Kong’s National Security Law and protect the sovereignty and national security, and a legitimate act to consolidate the fruits of the end of the chaos and ensure lasting stability in Hong Kong. This act is also consistent with international law and customary practice.

I would like to reiterate that Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs and do not allow any interference from outside forces. Relevant countries should respect China’s sovereignty and the rule of law in Hong Kong, stop supporting anti-China forces destabilizing Hong Kong, and stop offering refuge to fugitives. China remains firmly resolved to safeguard the nation’s sovereignty, security and development interests, implement the “one country, two systems” principle and oppose interference by any external forces in China’s affairs. from Hong Kong.

CCTV: Recently, surveys in China and the Republic of Korea have shown that people in Pacific Rim countries oppose the discharge of water contaminated with nuclear materials into the sea. Large-scale rallies were held in the Republic of Korea and demonstrations took place outside Japanese embassies and consulates in the Philippines, New York and Sydney, demanding that Japan stop implementing its rejection plan. at sea. The Prefectural Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations of Fukushima has unanimously adopted a resolution expressing its opposition to the government’s plan to discharge radioactive water into the sea. However, on July 3, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno Hirokazu reaffirmed that there would be no change in the government’s plan to begin sea dumping in the summer. What is China’s comment on this?

Mao Ning: I have read the relevant reports. The continuation of the dumping plan by the Japanese government has raised many concerns and concerns from the international community. A survey conducted by the Global Times in eleven countries, including China, the Republic of Korea, Japan, the Philippines and New Zealand, indicates that of the 11,000 people polled, nearly 90% expressed concern, fears and anger over the plan, and more than 90% support their countries in taking action to intervene in Japan’s dumping plan.

Unfortunately, the Japanese government has persisted in pushing through its dumping plan and has tried in every way to give the false impression that the dumping is legitimate and justified. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will release its review report later today. I would like to point out that the agency was invited by Japan and that its mandate is limited to the evaluation of the disposal at sea plan. The report cannot give the green light to the disposal because it cannot prove that the disposal at sea is the only option or the safest and most reliable option.

Global Times: Sweden has recently been the scene of another burning of the Quran, which has been strongly condemned by the Arab world and the Islamic world. The incident made international headlines. What is China’s comment on this?

Mao Ning: China always upholds mutual respect, inclusiveness and mutual learning among civilizations, and firmly opposes extremist acts that attack different religious beliefs and incite a clash of civilizations, as well as all forms of Islamophobia. The Islamic civilization has made an important contribution to world civilizations. The faith and religious feelings of Muslims must be respected. The so-called “freedom of expression” must not be used as an excuse to stir up conflicts and antagonisms between civilizations.

Last March, President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Civilization Initiative. This Initiative promotes equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusion between civilizations and replaces estrangement with exchange, conflict with mutual learning and superiority with inclusion. China stands ready to work together with the international community to uphold the spirit of the Global Civilization Initiative, promote exchanges and dialogue among civilizations through concrete actions, and jointly safeguard the diversity of global civilizations.

NHK: A follow-up question on the plan to discharge nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. What you just said means that China will not accept the IAEA report if it supports the rejection. Is this the case? If so, wouldn’t China be pulling double standards by not accepting the scientific measures proposed by the IAEA while claiming that it still follows the basic norms governing goal-based international relations? and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations?

Mao Ning: We haven’t seen the IAEA report yet. What I have just said is that the mandate of the agency is limited to the evaluation of the sea disposal plan put in place by the Japanese side from the beginning and that the agency does not have the mandate to evaluate other options. In this case, the report that will be published will not prove that the dumping at sea is legitimate and justified and will not exempt the Japanese side from its responsibilities and obligations under international law. It has nothing to do with a policy of double standards. We hope that the IAEA report will stand the test of science and history, and that it will not constitute an endorsement of the dumping of nuclear-contaminated water at sea.

Kyodo News: The Chinese government yesterday announced export controls on gallium and germanium, two essential elements for the manufacture of semiconductors, in apparent retaliation after the United States, Japan and the Netherlands restricted exports. semiconductor equipment exports to China, as some have said. Do you agree with this argument? Moreover, considering that the Chinese government is committed to maintaining the stability of global industrial and supply chains, this export control seems inconsistent with what it said. Does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have a comment on this?

Mao Ning: Regarding what you mentioned, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce has issued a notice that you can refer to.

China is always committed to ensuring the security and stability of global industrial and supply chains and always implements fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory export control measures. The Chinese government’s export control of the relevant products, in accordance with the law, is a common international practice and does not target any specific country.

Beijing Daily: According to reports, the Honduran Minister of Economic Development said that Honduras and China have started negotiations for a free trade agreement. Can you confirm this information and comment on it? What are China’s expectations regarding the negotiations on the free trade agreement?

Mao Ning: On the morning of July 4 Beijing time, Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao and Honduran Economic Development Minister Fredis Cerrato jointly announced via video link the official launch of negotiations on a free trade between the two countries. This is an important agreement reached between the two heads of state during Honduran President Xiomara Castro’s visit to China, and it fully demonstrates the willingness of both sides to deepen practical cooperation. Since the two countries established diplomatic relations, bilateral relations have witnessed vigorous development, with increasing practical cooperation in various fields. China is ready to work with Honduras to further tap potential, create more strengths and work for more results in mutually beneficial cooperation, so as to create an even brighter future for relations between the two countries.

AFP: The Chinese Embassy in London today criticized British politicians for protecting the eight people who were wanted by the Hong Kong government for their involvement in the 2019 protests. Will this have an impact on a possible visit to China by British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly?

Mao Ning: Earlier I outlined China’s position on the reaction of relevant countries to the Hong Kong police’s issuance of arrest warrants for anti-China rioters. Regarding the visit you mentioned, I have nothing to share at the moment.

AFP: I have two more questions. First of all, can you confirm reports that European Union (EU) representative Josep Borrell will be visiting China next week? Second, can you tell us about the upcoming visit to China by Janet Yellen,

US Treasury Secretary? What does China expect from this visit?

Mao Ning: Regarding your first question, I have nothing to share.

Regarding your second question about US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s visit to China, China has released information about that visit. For specific questions, I recommend that you consult the relevant Chinese departments. We always believe that economic and trade cooperation between China and the United States is mutually beneficial in nature, and we hope that the United States can create a favorable environment for the healthy development of economic and trade ties between China and the United States. States and win-win cooperation through concrete actions.

CGTN: Recently, the leaders of countries such as Vietnam, Mongolia and Barbados expressed their support and appreciation for the Global Security Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping during their visit to China. They want to participate in relevant cooperation and contribute to world peace and stability. We can feel the enthusiasm of the international community for the Initiative, and we can see the good momentum for the implementation of the Initiative. Could you tell us more?

Mao Ning: In April 2022, President Xi Jinping introduced the Global Security Initiative, which received a positive response and wide recognition globally. More and more countries have supported and appreciated the Global Security Initiative and wish to join the “chorus” of its implementation.

All parties believe that the Global Security Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping actively responds to the important security concerns of the international community and reflects the aspiration for peace and cooperation shared by all countries, in bringing Chinese wisdom and momentum to solving the security challenges facing mankind and improving global security governance. In particular, the recent diplomatic events concerning the political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis and the reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran have shown China’s responsibility, as a great country, to move forward and take initiatives in global security governance, as well as the important role of the Global Security Initiative in addressing international security challenges.

The Global Security Initiative, as a global public good, serves the interests of people around the world and preserves peace in the universe. China stands ready to work with all parties to deepen the implementation of the Global Security Initiative and bring more benefits to the people, address the urgent security challenges facing the world, advance peace and development of mankind and to make the world more peaceful, safer and more prosperous.

AFP: According to reports, Vietnam has banned the showing of the movie “Barbie” due to the appearance of a world map that shows the nine-dash line of China in the South China Sea. Do you have a comment to make on this subject? Is the inclusion of the nine-dash line in world maps an explicit prerequisite for foreign films to be shown in China?

Mao Ning: China’s position on the South China Sea issue is clear and consistent. Relevant countries should not link the South China Sea issue with normal cultural exchanges.

This article is originally published on


Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.