France and Britain Battle It Out For Europe’s A.I. Crown


Europe (Parliament Politic Magazine) – Two countries are competing to become Europe’s leading hub for artificial intelligence (AI).

In recent weeks, both French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak have made bold declarations regarding AI, as they strive to establish their nations as key players in this highly anticipated market. During France’s annual tech conference Viva Tech on June 18, Macron

Macron’s assertion of France’s AI prowess emphasizes the country’s determination to maintain its status as a frontrunner in continental Europe. He acknowledges the need for accelerated efforts to further solidify their position and capitalize on the opportunities presented by AI. On the other hand, Sunak’s pitch positions the UK as a global leader in AI safety regulation. 

France And UK Aim To Take The AI Crown

By emphasizing the country’s commitment to ensuring the responsible and ethical development of AI technologies, Sunak aims to attract international AI companies and investors to establish their operations in the UK.

The competition between France and the UK for AI dominance not only showcases their ambition but also underscores the importance of AI in driving economic growth, innovation, and societal progress.

 As these countries vie for the title of Europe’s AI capital, it will be fascinating to witness the strategies they employ and the impact they have on the global AI landscape. Artificial intelligence (AI) is widely regarded as a groundbreaking technology, making it of utmost strategic significance to governments worldwide. 

The excitement surrounding this technology has been fueled, in part, by the immense popularity of Microsoft-backed OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which has gone viral. Consequently, it has become a focal point of technological competition between the United States and China, as nations strive to leverage the immense potential of these pivotal technologies. Now, the question arises: which country is at the forefront of the race to claim Europe’s AI supremacy?

UK Government Striving To Become Science and Technology Superpower 

At the VivaTech conference in Paris, President Macron made a significant announcement, revealing a new funding initiative of 500 million euros ($562 million) to foster the development of groundbreaking AI enterprises.

 This substantial investment builds upon previous commitments made by the French government, which had already pledged to inject 1.5 billion euros into the field of artificial intelligence by 2022. The objective behind these financial endeavors is to bridge the gap between France and the dominant U.S. and Chinese AI markets.


President Macron expressed his determination to prioritize training and research, emphasizing that France possesses a favorable position in the AI landscape due to its access to exceptional talent and the burgeoning startup ecosystem centered around this transformative technology.

This strategic move aims to propel France to the forefront of AI innovation and ensure its competitiveness on a global scale. In a similar vein, the United Kingdom government recently unveiled its own ambitious plan to invest £1 billion ($1.3 billion) in supercomputing and AI research. This bold initiative reflects the UK’s aspiration to establish itself as a leading force in science and technology, solidifying its status as a true “science and technology superpower.”

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UK Government Claims To Spend Around £900 Million

As part of its strategic plan, the government has announced its intention to allocate approximately £900 million towards the development of an “exascale” computer capable of creating its own advanced AI chatbot, known as “BritGPT,” to rival OpenAI’s generative AI chatbot.

However, this funding commitment has faced criticism from certain officials who argue that it falls short in enabling the U.K. to effectively compete with global powerhouses like the U.S. and China.

Sajid Javid, a former government minister in ex-PM Boris Johnson’s cabinet, expressed his reservations during a fireside discussion at London Tech Week, stating, “While the idea sounds promising, it is evident that we still have a long way to go before reaching the level of technological advancement required to truly compete on a global scale.”

One significant distinction between the United Kingdom and France lies in their respective approaches to regulating artificial intelligence (AI) and the existing laws that impact this rapidly advancing technology.

The European Union has taken a pioneering step by introducing the AI Act, which is poised to become the first comprehensive set of laws specifically addressing artificial intelligence in the Western world. This groundbreaking legislation received approval from the European Parliament in June, signifying a significant milestone in the regulation of AI.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.