French President Emmanuel Macron Calls for UK Inclusion in European Security Framework

French President Emmanuel Macron Calls for UK Inclusion in European Security Framework
Credit france24

Paris (Parliament News) – French President Macron emphasizes the need for a comprehensive European security framework, highlighting the importance of working closely with non-EU partners like the UK to counter threats from Russia and other risks.

French President Emmanuel Macron admitted that the European Union alone might not be adequate to counter threats posed by Russia. He stressed the importance of working closely with non-EU partners, including the United Kingdom, to produce a comprehensive European security framework.

Why Does Macron Stress UK Collaboration in European Security?

Talking to The Economist, Macron recalled the changing security landscape, pointing out a mixture of risks that Europe faces. “We have risks linked to Russian missiles,” he explained. “We have the Russian nuclear risk…and perhaps the risk of proliferation in Iran and others.”

These situations have led Macron to call for a strategic method for European security that involves not only EU member states but also other European nations including the UK.

Is Macron Advocating for a Unified European Strategy?

The French President also highlighted the need for a unified European strategy for security, while also retaining each country’s sovereignty. “We need an in-depth strategic discussion with all Europeans who are prepared to do so,” he stated, referring to the UK’s role as a “privileged partner” for France in terms of defence cooperation. This suggests that even after Brexit, the UK has a crucial function to play in Europe’s defence strategy.

Should Nuclear Weapons be Included in European Defence Debates?

The French leader addressed the function of nuclear deterrence in European defence, explaining that it was a sovereign decision for France. However, he suggested that a broader debate on European defence must include nuclear capabilities. “If we want to build an effective and credible strategic concept of joint defence…nuclear weapons must be included in the debate,” Macron stated. He highlighted that this should be done while respecting the existing rules and sovereignty of each country involved. When asked if he acknowledged the European Union was “not enough” on its own to guarantee Europe’s security, Macron represented himself as a pragmatist.

Does Macron Believe in the Effectiveness of EU Security?

“I believe very deeply in Europe,” he said. However, he commented that the EU has not traditionally regarded itself as a military power, focusing more on economic and political integration. Macron indicated that a joint European security framework should not be confined to EU member states, mentioning the significance of partnerships with non-EU countries like Norway and the UK.

He contended: “It would be a mistake to exclude countries that have never been in the EU, or recently were, such as Norway, the United Kingdom or the Balkans. We have joint missile programmes, including with the British.” Macron’s remarks come as European countries persist in grappling with the evolving security dangers from Russia, particularly in light of the continuing conflict in Ukraine. His call for a broader, more inclusive strategy for European defence underscores the need for solidarity and coordination across the continent, beyond traditional EU structures.

Daniele Naddei

Daniele Naddei is a journalist at Parliament News covering European affairs, was born in Naples on April 8, 1991. He also serves as the Director of the CentroSud24 newspaper. During the period from 2010 to 2013, Naddei completed an internship at the esteemed local radio station Radio Club 91. Subsequently, he became the author of a weekly magazine published by the Italian Volleyball Federation of Campania (FIPAV Campania), which led to his registration in the professional order of Journalists of Campania in early 2014, listed under publicists. From 2013 to 2018, he worked as a freelance photojournalist and cameraman for external services for Rai and various local entities, including TeleCapri, CapriEvent, and TLA. Additionally, between 2014 and 2017, Naddei collaborated full-time with various newspapers in Campania, both in print and online. During this period, he also resumed his role as Editor-in-Chief at Radio Club 91.
Naddei is actively involved as a press officer for several companies and is responsible for editing cultural and social events in the city through his association with the Medea Fattoria Sociale. This experience continued until 2021. Throughout these years, he hosted or collaborated on football sports programs for various local broadcasters, including TLA, TvLuna, TeleCapri, Radio Stonata, Radio Amore, and Radio Antenna Uno.
From 2016 to 2018, Naddei was employed as an editor at newspapers of national interest within the circuit, including Internazionale24, Salute24, and OggiScuola. Since 2019, Naddei has been one of the creators of the Rabona television program "Calcio è Passione," which has been broadcast on TeleCapri Sport since 2023.