Hammersmith & Fulham launched world-first 20mph electric buggy

Hammersmith & Fulham launched world-first 20mph electric buggy
Credit: Yo-Go

Hammersmith and Fulham (Parliament Politics Magazine) – Hammersmith and Fulham launched a world-first trial of 20mph Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs), offering eco-friendly transport at 20 pence per mile.

According to a recent trial, the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham will offer electric buggies for people to use instead of cars.

Yo-Go created the NEVs, and if this first run is successful, the trial plans to spread throughout the city of West London. Yo-Go is closely monitoring the usage, which has reportedly been well-received.

As of now, ten Yo-Go buggies are in operation.

How do electric buggies aim to replace cars in London’s dockless rental sector?

The buggies are the latest contribution to the expanding dockless e-vehicle rental sector in London, which was previously restricted to e-bikes and e-scooters. However, those motorcycles and scooters were not intended to be direct competitors of the new cars. 

“What we’re hoping is that they’ll be more of a replacement for cars,” said Yo-Go’s CEO, Dr. Sam Bailey. 

Car usage in London is quite weird. Most of the journeys are under three miles, people popping out and about… There’ll be a reason they don’t want to cycle – it will be because they don’t want to get wet, or they think it’s dangerous.

Dr. Bailey further added that the aim was to create a vehicle that feels more familiar, and it feels like driving something. He highlighted features, such as a seat belt, a roll cage, a roof, and storage space for luggage, emphasizing that these elements make it easier for car users to transition to this alternative mode of transport. 

What are the costs and eligibility requirements for driving electric buggies in Hammersmith and Fulham?

The cost of driving is 20p per minute, or only 10p per minute if the driver signs up for a subscription for £10 per month. This policy is only open to drivers between the ages of 25 and 70 who have held a UK or EU driving license for over two years. 

E-buggies should be parked where you pick them up, unlike e-bikes and e-scooters, which are now unsafe for pedestrians because their owners can leave them anywhere they want.

Bailey expressed,

“The company has been working ‘very closely’ with Hammersmith and Fulham Council, which has effectively granted their vehicles free parking throughout the borough.

“We’re fairly confident we’re a world-first. There are places you can go to which are golf-buggy only, where you’re on a resort somewhere, [for example] the big resorts in Florida where you park your car at the entrance and then drive around in a golf buggy.

Part of the idea was, why couldn’t you make London feel more like that? Where you’re sharing the road with pedestrians, why can’t you make it nicer for them by making the vehicles less noisy, less polluting and less dangerous for them? The more vehicles you have that are like this, the more pleasant the roads become for everyone.”

A spokesperson for Hammersmith and Fulham Council said that these innovative electric buggies are another first for Hammersmith and Fulham as they offer residents and businesses an affordable, eco-friendly alternative. He said that the council welcomes this pilot as they work to make local journeys cheaper, greener, and more convenient.

Sir Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, has also expressed his support for the trial. 

A spokesperson for the Mayor said: “We welcome new micro-mobility options in London, especially those that encourage Londoners to use their cars less or switch to cleaner modes of transport. It’s good to see boroughs innovating in this way and trialing new options and we will await the data and outcomes with interest.”

The ten buggies are parked in Hammersmith and Fulham at four separate rental outlets. They are located at Finley/Fulham Palace, Niton/Woodlawn, Parsons Green, and Fulham Reach. Before renting the buggies, users must register by downloading the Yo-Go app. 

Massimiliano  Verde

Massimiliano Verde is a journalist at Parliament News, He is covering Society and Culture News. Boasting a Master's Degree in Political Science, stands as a prominent figure in the Italian cultural landscape. His presidency of the Neapolitan Academy, a scientifically and sociolinguistically renowned group, attests to his relentless dedication to safeguarding and promoting Neapolitan language and culture. His activism and profound expertise have propelled him into the role of interlocutor for UNESCO as part of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2032), a prestigious acknowledgment highlighting the significance of his efforts in preserving the linguistic and cultural diversity of our planet.

Verde's fervent passion for the history and culture of Southern Italy has driven him to immerse himself in research, resulting in numerous essays and articles that delve into the peculiarities and beauties of the region. His commitment extends beyond academia, manifesting in ongoing dissemination activities aimed at acquainting the general public with the rich cultural heritage of the South. His endeavors transcend national boundaries, as evidenced by his participation in international conferences and collaboration with various foreign institutions, rendering him an ambassador of Southern culture on the global stage and fostering intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding.