How to Become a Freeman of the City of London?

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London (Parliament Politics Magazine) – Have you been wondering about how to become a freeman in the city of London? Then wonder no more because you have come just to the right place. The process of becoming a freeman is quite simple if followed correctly and through the right measures! So, keep reading to find out more about this.

Become a freeman of the city of London 

The Freedom of the City of London began in 1237 as the position of a “free man” or “citizen,” secured by the City of London constitution and not subject to the power of a feudal lord. This evolved into liberty or right to trade in the Middle Ages and is inextricably tied to the medieval guilds, the livery companies. 

In 1835, everybody who resided, worked in, or had a significant tie to the city was granted freedom of the city. Citizens’ freedom has traditionally been associated with advantages in municipal government. While the freedom no longer carries many substantive privileges and is mostly ceremonial, it remains a requirement for candidacy for reelection to the Common Council and Court of Aldermen of the City of London. 

The Lord Mayor of the City must initially be an alderman, and therefore a freeman. 


There are several paths to acquiring the City of London’s independence.

The three channels to liberty, via the livery firms, are still in operation. A freeman of a livery company can be obtained by subordination (apprentice), inheritance (either by a parent being a part of that livery company), or redemption (general admission, the criteria differing by livery company). After a freeman of a livery company, a request to the Chamberlain’s Court for admittance as a freeman of the City can be submitted, which needs approval from the Common Council.  

To progress to the livery company position of ‘liveryman’ or to occupy a position in a livery company, you must first become a freeman of the City. In the City of London, liverymen have the power to vote for specific posts.

City of London

Conversely, because freedom is a requirement for competing for elective office in the City, a potential employee can earn freedom by being nominated by either of the two electors. The City has a lengthy history of granting women the right to vote. While they are now often referred to as freemen, they were previously referred to as free sisters. 

Throughout a ceremony at Guildhall, the Assistant to the Chamberlain of the City of London admits freemen. Honorary Freedom of the City of London is a rarer award than general freedom of the city and is given in appreciation of lifelong accomplishment or great international stature.

Freedom Ceremony

The awarding of the Honorary Freedom of the City of London (or Freedom Honoris Causa) is highly unusual and is usually reserved for royalty, heads of state, or persons of great worldwide significance. It is the highest honor that the City of London may award and is normally held in Guildhall in the presence of the Common Council and the Lord Mayor, sheriffs, and aldermen, as well as invited visitors.

For instance, Archbishop Desmond Tutu was awarded Honorary Freedom of the City of London in 2013, after an eleven-year wait, during a ceremony at Mansion House. Nelson Mandela, then President of South Africa, won the very same honor in 1996.

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Chamberlain of London

Upon these times, the Chamberlain of London makes the gift, which is frequently followed by a feast at Guildhall or Mansion House. William Pitt the Elder was the very first person to be thus honored in history, in 1757. Nevertheless, there are references in the “Freedom of the City Admission Papers” 1681-1930 of the same being presented in May 1698 to Philemon Philip Carter, son of Nathaniel Carter (goldsmiths). 

For several years, it was customary to award the Freedom in specially commissioned and one-of-a-kind gold or silver caskets, the appearance of which was influenced by the individual’s heritage and accomplishments. Currently, it is more common to bestow honor in the guise of a script in an engraved case. 


As the above article briefs the whole context of how to become a freeman in the city of London. It must seem a bit easier now that you are well-known for the whole ordeal that takes place and how things work around there. Make sure to keep the details mentioned in the article in your mind so you can achieve your ultimate goal easily. 

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.