Is It Illegal To Be Drunk In A Pub (UK Rules Explained)

London (Parliament Politics Magazine) – Drinking in a pub is something that is considered normal among travelers and residents in the UK. However, it doesn’t mean everything is simple as there are some rules you need to know about. Have you dressed as a police officer at a party at your local club? If you have ever done that or trying to do it in the future, it will mean you have broken the law. You will be surprised to know that there are a lot of weird laws set by the authorities in the UK. Many people have to face these traditional laws even now. Despite many people complaining about these laws, no none of them is abolished.

Is It Illegal To Get Drunk At The Pub?

According to UK Law, it is illegal to get drunk at the local pub. The historic law was first created in the Victorian era and since then there is no looking back. Under the Licensing Act 1872, any person who is found guilty is liable for a big penalty. The next time you are at a pub make sure you don’t break any of these rules. Moreover, according to the Licensing Act of 2003, it is against the law to sell drinks to a drunk person. It is also illegal to sell alcohol to someone who is buying it for a drunk person.

 The intricate part here is that the law has not been enforced for a long time now. Arguably this law is out of date and this is why many people get confused over it. Many people feel guilty when they are having more than one drink at their local bar. However, it is an offense to get drunk at a pub. If you are not aware and make this mistake it can lead to a big fine.

Section 12 of the Licensing Act 1872 states: “every person found drunk… on any licensed premises, shall be liable to a penalty”.  In this situation, you can get a fine of up to £200. Similarly, if you are intoxicated at a pub or any other public place, the same rules will apply.

Is It Illegal To Get Drunk In Public?

It is considered illegal to get drunk in public. When a person gets drunk in people it will mean causing disturbance for others. Moreover, it is hard for them to control themselves. When you get drunk and cause a scene it will be considered an offense. Many councils put restrictions when it comes to the consumption of alcohol in many areas. It includes keeping your behavior in a good condition. Some places in the UK have a history of anti-social behavior that could easily lead to a fine. You will be surprised to know that consuming alcohol is not allowed if you are in transport. This includes all forms of transportation like buses, trams, and the London Underground.

At What Age You Can Drink Alcohol in The UK?

The legal age for consuming alcohol in the UK is 18. It will be illegal to sell alcohol to someone who is under this age. Moreover, it is illegal for an adult to purchase alcoholic drinks for their children under 18. If you are on licensed premises you cannot drink alcohol if you are under 18. When you don’t follow the right rules it can lead to fines. If things are severe you may land in jail.

If the local pub is caught selling alcohol to people below 18, their license will be canceled. The police will not have to look at your ID and take immediate action without investigating. A person who is 16 or 17 can try drinking wine, beer, or a cider that is served with a meal. However, they should be with an adult, or else they cannot purchase these drinks.

Read More: Is Cold Calling Illegal In The UK (Legal Consequences You May Face)

Is It Illegal to Sell Alcohol To A Drunk Person?

If we consider the Licensing Act 2003, it is an offense to sell alcohol to a drunk person. When a person is caught serving alcohol to a drunk person they need to get ready for a fine. You may have to face a fixed penalty of £90 by the Police. It can further increase to £1000 when things go to court. Whatever commercial property you have your pub on can face a fine. Moreover, your alcohol license will be at risk. You need to stop your staff from serving alcohol to drunk customers. Another UK law states that people are not allowed to get drunk at a funeral too.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.