Is shampoo bad for your hair? Expert reveals why you should NEVER use shampoo

The vast majority of us rely on shampoo to clean our scalps and get rid of any grease and dirt from our hair, but you’ve probably heard that washing your hair too often is bad for your hair. One hairdresser thinks everyone should avoid shampoo at all costs. chatted to Rob Czlapka, Owner of Manchester-based Barber Below to find out why you should NEVER use shampoo.

Is shampoo bad for your hair?

Washing your hair every day in an attempt to prevent it from getting greasy is pointless, according to one hairdresser.

The more you wash your hair, the oilier, harder to manage and more damaged your hair will become.

Rob Czlapka, owner of Manchester-based Barber Below said: “Washing hair frequently can damage your hair, and strip it of natural oils when using certain products we see on the shelves.

Rob added: “We don’t use any shampoo at Barber Below or our hairdressers RCNQ. None. Never. There’s just no need for it in a regular hair care routine.”

When we use shampoo we think we are getting rid of the excess oil, but we’re actually removing healthy oils on our scalps.

Rob explained: “Shampoo is a harsh cleanser – it cleans your hair but also strips the hair of natural oils and texture.

“When washing your hair, the chemicals used in shampoo combine with oil on your scalp and hair, removing all oil when rinsed.

“This process also removes the healthy oils produced by your scalp to protect the hair.

“This is why your hair will often feel straw-like and unmanageable without a conditioner, which then re-moisturises the now dried out and damaged hair.”

If you’re exercising frequently, just rinse your hair with water to get rid of sweat and buildup and don’t add any product.

The more you wash your hair, the greasier it will become, according to Rob.

He said: “By stripping the hair of natural oils, you encourage the sebaceous glands to overreact and produce even more oil, resulting in greasy hair.

“Instead, cleansing the hair without stripping it of important natural oils is the key to a healthier head of hair that looks naturally healthy.”

If you are planning on cutting out shampoo in light of this information – the sooner you start, the better!

Rob added: “The hair can take up to a month to regulate the levels of oil itself, and then you can wash your hair just once a week without your hair getting oily. The result is healthier hair that maintains its colour.”

Those who dye their hair should be extra cautious about using shampoos because dye and shampoo don’t work together well.

Rob said: “We encourage everyone we know to avoid shampoo because it strips colour from the hair, so a fresh colour will quickly fade.

“This can result in particularly straw-like, frazzled-looking hair, especially if you’ve had your hair bleached during the colouring process.”

If you’re booked in for a dye job or have recently had a colour transformation, avoiding shampoo will massively extend the life of your new look.

Not convinced that ditching shampoo is helpful? Rob advises against washing your hair for at least 72 hours after a colour.

He explained: “Each hair strand contains tiny pores that open and close, called hair cuticles. These open during the dyeing process to absorb the new colour and take time to close.

“If you wash your hair (especially with detergent-based shampoo) within 72 hours of having it coloured, the dye can wash out of the cuticles before they’ve had a chance to close. This quickly fades your hair colour.”

If you absolutely must use shampoo, avoid shampoo that contains many strong detergents.

Rob advised: “Look for essential oils and organic ingredients and avoid products containing preservatives, sulphates, and synthetic fragrances.

“Opt for an oil-based natural shampoo, which will clean the scalp while leaving hair colour intact.

“That way, your hair will recover and thrive after a new colour session and will stay vibrant for longer.”

If you do wash your hair, make sure you use lukewarm water to protect your hair cuticles and prevent dye from running.

You should also let your hair air dry and avoid styling as much as possible if you’re looking to prolong the life of your hair dye, as heat can damage the cuticle and colour.