Labour pledges bright future for UK steel with plan to ‘Get Britain Building’, by staff reporter

  • Labour say they will invest alongside industry and the workforce in all available clean steel technologies to ensure UK steel can provide growth and economic security for decades;
  • Labour’s plans to Get Britain Building and believe this could fill the order books of Britain’s steel industry for decades to come;
  • Labour commit to speeding up planning of critical infrastructure like rail and invest to build battery gigafactories, ports and renewable energy.

Labour have pledged a bright future for UK steel, with its plan to make the UK a world leader in clean green steel with a long-term programme of investment in clean steel technologies delivered by its National Wealth Fund.

It says that steel is totemic to Wales and is a key pillar of the UK’s collective economic security. The UK and its steel communities have the potential to be a world leader in clean steel.

Labour say they will ditch petty Tory game playing and work hand in hand with the Welsh Labour Government to give this industry its future back. Steel communities in Wales and across the UK will play a central role in our mission to drive economic growth across all parts of the country.

And claim that for 13 years, the Conservatives have failed to back Britain’s steel industry. The Government has let the industry decline, offshored jobs, and damaged communities. Their failure has undermined our economic security and resilience, which has  has lurched from crisis to crisis under the Tories, with a repeated cycle of bailouts and takeovers with no proper strategy to secure the sector’s long-term future.

Labour say they have a plan for green steel that will cover the whole industry and will be open to all available clean steel technologies, working in partnership with the workforce in delivering a world leading sector.

The Party has outlined a decade long programme of investment in clean steel technologies, which it says will stimulate investment in industry in new innovations to make the UK a world leader in clean steel.

Labour also say they will put the workforce at the heart of their offer and will work in partnership with workers to deliver a proper strategy for steel, alongside their plans for a new deal for working people.

As industry has highlighted, almost every aspect of the UK’s decarbonisation plan is steel intensive, with 10 million tonnes of steel needed over the coming years for offshore wind, solar, nuclear, hydrogen and more.

Labour says these plans will get Britain building and will create opportunities for UK steel, with the Shadow Chancellor outlining reforms to the planning system to quickly and cheaply deliver critical national infrastructure like rail and roads.

Labour’s plan to do, make and sell more in Britain is a commitment to use strategic procurement for industrial strategy. Labour has set out plans to help British businesses win more government contracts, using stretching social, environmental and labour clauses in contract design to ensure British businesses and industries like steel are recognised for the high standards they meet.

The Party say that the steel sector, shipyards, aerospace and materials industries as national assets vital for sectors like defence and we will ensure as much of our equipment as possible is designed and built here in the UK.

This will be combined with their energy security plan to lower energy costs and drive long-term competitiveness. For too long, our steel industry has been held back by energy costs that are higher than European competitors.

Speaking at a steelworks in Port Talbot today, Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party, said: “A bastion of UK industry, British steel is integral to our growth and prosperity as a nation. From Port Talbot to Rutherglen, to Scunthorpe, it’s been the fabric of our society for generations.

“But for far too long, our steel industry has been left behind at while our European allies forge ahead. We must turn this around. We must make Britain a world leader again. That means reform, investment, a proper industrial strategy, and proper decarbonisation.

“That means greening the steel that will make the solar panels and wind turbines built to power our homes for years to come. That’s why I’ve made delivering clean power by 2030 one of my five missions for an incoming Labour government. It’s why our Green Prosperity Plan will provide a decade-long programme of investment in clean steel. We won’t stand back while these opportunities pass by. A Labour government I lead will roll up its sleeves and grab them with both hands.

“Our investment will bring growth and economic security. Our planning reforms will turbocharge building of critical infrastructure. Our plans to get Britain building again will mean fuller order books and security for both industry and worker.

“We will put party politics aside, partner with devolved regions, industry and trade unions alike to give UK steel its future back.”