Issued on: 24/04/2020 – 10:24Modified: 24/04/2020 – 10:24
French RATP boss Catherine Guillouard said on Friday that the transport authorities were working towards having 70% of the Paris transport network operational by May 11 up from 30% now, ready for when France exits its lockdown.
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Making sure 70% of the transport network was running would be equivalent to delivering about eight million trips a day, she told France Inter radio. The system is currently at 4 percent capacity, or 500,000 trips a day.
RATP employees have been supplied with masks, Guillouard said. Social distancing, on the other hand, will not be possible. "It's absolutely not a question of profitability but of feasibility,” she said. If the RATP insisted on social distancing, they would only be able to provide about 2 million trips per day, she added.
Guillouard urged companies to continue allowing employees to work Read More – Source