The outdoor clothing brand famed for its green credentials is making a bold statement on its clothing tags.

Customers have been taking to social media to report their surprise at the message, hidden on the underside of Patagonias clothing tags. It says, simply, “vote the assholes out” and is a symbol of the American brands strong political stance against climate deniers who hold positions of power.
Its particularly prescient with the US presidential election just weeks away, and many think that its Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinards way of getting his views across. A statement on the brands website emphasises its investment in the election result and the impact it will have on environmental policy.
“We need to elect climate leaders. The 2020 US Senate races will have a significant, long-lasting impact on the strength of our nations climate policies and the existence of our wild places,” says Patagonia.
While some speculated that the tags werent real, Euronews Living has confirmed their authenticity with Patagonia spokesperson, Tessa Byars. The subversive tags were added to the 2020 Mens and Womens Road to Regenerative Organic Stand-up Shorts collection because “we have been standing up to climate deniers for almost as long as weve been making those shorts,” says Byars.
“It refers to politicians from any part who deny or disregard the climate crises and ignore science, not because they arent aware of it, but because their pockets are lined with money from oil and gas interests.”