Premier League restart backed by Harry Kane

Tottenham captain Harry Kane is keen for the Premier League to restart and the season be concluded.

Harry Kane has given Project Restart his personal green light as Premier League stars continue to be split over returning to training. England internationals Raheem Sterling and Danny Rose have expressed concerns about rushing back to action while the country is still very much in the grip of the pandemic.

But the Three Lions skipper has revealed that Tottenham came through their first series of coronavirus tests with a completely clean bill of health.

Having not kicked a ball since rupturing a hamstring on January 1, he cannot wait to get playing again.

“Personally, I’m happy to start training in small groups if we are allowed and try to get back to some normality as soon as possible,” he said.

“Every player’s different and everyone has their own point of view.

“We want to see how the Premier League give us a plan, and what that looks like and we’ll go from there.

“About a week ago we started going to the training ground, we were allowed to have one-on-one training with one member of staff on one pitch, self-distancing from everyone.

“We had tests on Monday – all the players and staff had tests – and everyone came back negative, which was great.

“The clubs are talking to the Premier League and trying to find a way of next week or the next couple of weeks of training in small groups of four or five. Hopefully to be tested regularly as well.

“We are taking it day-by-day, week-by-week and we are just trying to go with the flow.”

Kane may stress he is offering a personal opinion, but since winning the Golden Boot at the 2018 World Cup the 26-year-old has become a figurehead for the game in this country.

With the government permitting the start to a return to elite sport from June 1, the Premier League will see Kane’s endorsement as a huge boost.

Ahead of another meeting of the clubs on Monday, the situation still hangs very much in the balance, with the question of neutral venues still to be sorted.

Kane recalls for England against Croatia in October 2018 in a strange behind-closed-doors international Rijeka and even if fixtures do resume, he accepts circumstances will be far from perfect.

“It’s going to be a really difficult situation,” he said.

“Liverpool deserve the title and to lift it without their fans will be a really strange situation.

“We haven’t been through a time like this in my lifetime so it’s hard to know what the right thing to do is. The fans are a massive part of football. They make football what it is so it will be different to play without them.

“I’ve done it before for England and it’s not the same. But if we want to finish the season we’re going to have to do that.”