Rapid Wage Surge Triggers Speculation of Impending Interest Rate Hike

credit: wsws.org

London (Parliament Politic Magazine) – Wages experienced a remarkable surge in the April to June period, as indicated by the latest official figures. During this time, regular pay witnessed a substantial increase of 7.8%, marking the highest annual growth rate since comparable records were first kept in 2001.

This unexpected and robust rise has led to predictions that the Bank of England will be compelled to raise interest rates once again in order to mitigate inflation.

Although inflation, which measures the rate at which prices increase, has slightly eased, it remains persistently high at 7.9%. Darren Morgan, the director of economic statistics at the Office for National Statistics, which released the wage and employment data, stated that the most recent figures indicate a recovery in real pay growth, which takes into account the inflation rate.

Slowdown Expected In Price Growth In UK

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak expressed optimism, stating that there is a glimmer of hope for the millions of individuals grappling with the rising cost of living. However, wage growth is not keeping up with the pace of price increases. Mr. Morgan stated on the BBC’s Today program that real pay growth was still declining slightly, dropping by 0.6%.

Jonathan Ashworth, the Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary for the Labour Party, commented, “These figures once again confirm that the Tories are failing both working people and businesses throughout Britain.”

New inflation figures are set to be released on Wednesday, and analysts predict that they will show a further slowdown in price growth during July, ranging between 6.7% and 7%.

Nevertheless, this remains significantly higher than the Bank of England’s target of maintaining inflation at 2%. The prospect of stronger wages raises concerns that it will take longer for price increases to ease.

Interest Rate Could Reach A Peak

Sushil Wadhwani, a former member of the Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee, stated that financial markets are projecting a virtual certainty of an interest rate hike at the next meeting in September. Furthermore, market forecasts now suggest that interest rates could reach a peak of 6%, up from the current rate of 5.25%. Just a few days ago, rates were expected to peak at around 5.75%.


Mr. Wadhwani, a member of the Chancellor’s Economic Advisory Council, expressed his disappointment with today’s news regarding the Bank’s need to further raise interest rates. He emphasized the importance of determining the extent to which the Bank should encourage this process.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) data indicates a weakening UK job market. The unemployment rate has increased from 4% to 4.2%, and there has been a slight decrease in the number of employed individuals.

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Job Market Sees A Decline In Number Of Vacancies

Ruth Gregory, Deputy Chief UK Economist at Capital Economics, believes that the Bank of England will view the decline in employment and the rise in the unemployment rate as positive signs of cooling labor market conditions. However, she also expects the Bank to raise its key interest rate to 5.5% due to the ongoing acceleration of wage growth.

When asked about the possibility of another interest rate hike, Mr. Sunak stated that it is ultimately the Bank’s decision. However, he emphasized that the most effective way to prevent interest rates from rising and to lower them is by reducing inflation.

Annual average pay growth in the private sector continued to surpass the public sector, reaching 8.2%. Meanwhile, wages in the public sector experienced a more modest annual growth rate of 6.2% between April and June.

The UK job market witnessed a decline in the number of vacancies, with a decrease of 66,000 between May and July. Nevertheless, there still remains a substantial number of over one million vacancies.

One of the major challenges faced by Candice Mason, the owner of Masons Minibus & Coach Hire in Hertfordshire, is finding enough qualified individuals to fill these vacancies.

“It’s absolutely dire,” she expressed during an interview on the Today programme. “This issue isn’t unique to me; every operator I speak to is struggling to recruit and adequately staff our companies.”

Ms. Mason stated that the company has raised its wages in order to address the shifts left vacant by employees who, after experiencing Covid lockdowns, have opted for a better work-life balance and are now working fewer days.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.