Take care of yourself: 6 tips for busy parents

LONDON (Parliament Politics Magazine)- A little self-care is recommended as a busy parent, but how do you start with so much on your mind? Making conscious choices is the way, but that is easier said than done. Between work, parent meetings and driving your children around, do you still have time for yourself?

Which steps should you definitely not skip?

1. Movement

Do you want to keep up with your children? Keep moving. It gives you energy, keeps you fit and gives you something to hold on to. Choose a sport that suits you or that motivates you to keep moving. You may also find a challenge in trying new sports. Sign up for a yoga course, a running race, get started with a personal trainer, or take help from a YouTube video.

The more fun you make it for yourself, the easier it is to stick to it. It can also be fun to find something your kids can join in. You walk, they cycle, or a dance party in the living room, roller-skating together, swimming. This way you immediately set a good example and show your children that it is good to play sports.

2. Nutrition

Cravings are allowed, but choose good and high-quality ingredients. Go shopping in an organic store, buy directly from the farmer, cook with natural ingredients instead of heating ready-made meals. Reach for water instead of soda. Plan ahead what to put in the fridge and select recipes that will inspire you that week.

With a little planning, healthy quick meals can still be put on the table. And you set a good example here too. Your children now see how you choose for you and their well-being by taking good care of yourself, something that they will then more easily adopt later.

3. Invest in your social network

Your relationships remain important, even if you are short on time. You will probably see your family and friends a lot less and a night out with your partner will not be in it every week. Try to plan your schedule in such a way that you allow time for your social contacts.

A monthly date with your loved one, a weekend breakfast with your friends, dinner with your neighbours or a pizza night with the friends of your children and their parents, Sunday pancakes with your family? It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but plan in advance so you don’t have to put it off.

4. Health

Prevention is better than cure. Apply that to yourself too. Visit the dentist every year, have a full check-up with the doctor in time, and do not delay anything unnecessarily. Were you advised to see a dermatologist, gynaecologist, or ophthalmologist? Don’t wait, book the appointment.

5. Sleep

Parents sometimes skip sleep or work long after their own bedtime to have everything in order by the next day. This results in sleep deprivation. Research shows that people who consistently sleep less than 6 hours are more hungry and often experience weight gain. It also increases their risk of depression, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. So go to bed on time and don’t lose yourself in preparations for the day after or small details.

6. Don’t lose sight of yourself

It’s easy to lose yourself in the daily routine of family life. Before you know it, years have flown by and you no longer recognise yourself. The solution? Try out hobbies, keep a journal, meditate, educate yourself. You are constantly evolving. From time to time, reflect on yourself and who you are and where you stand. What makes you happy, passionate and what do you still want to achieve?

But above all, don’t be too hard on yourself. You do what you can and you do it as much as possible at your own pace.