LONDON (Parliament Politics Magazine) – Are you a workaholic? Good for your wallet, but not good for your body. Here are some tips to restore your body in honour.
1. Do enough exercise
Sitting at your desk all day long will give you stiff muscles. Therefore, try to do some exercises regularly to stay in shape, to counteract stiff muscles and to relax. Ideal is to go for a jog before or after your working day.
2. Create a spa in the office
It is important to be relaxed during the day. Massage is a perfect relaxation method for this and it is also good for your muscles. Who are you going to give that massage to? Your office chair. All you need is an -expensive- ergonomic chair with massage and relaxation functions. Relaxing work? Be sure!
3. Don’t neglect your family
According to psychologists, the balance between work and private life is the basis for staying healthy. Count the number of hours you spend in the office per week and you will immediately see that your life is not in balance. If it is really not easy to make time for your family, try not to miss important events such as birthdays, communions, weddings.
4. Have a hobby
No, hobbies are not just for students or retirees. Working people can also have a hobby. A must for anyone who is busy with their work: set aside at least one and a half hours a week to keep yourself busy with your hobby. And no, we don’t mean your work.
5. Keep work and private life separate
You may be home on time, but that means nothing if you are checking your emails on your iPad, iPhone or other digital device. In that case, it is better to stay at the office for half an hour longer instead of sacrificing your free hours with your family for your work.
6. Get enough sleep
Everyone needs sleep. For example, an adult person needs an average of 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night. Unfortunately, you don’t always get that with a demanding job. But if you have to work late and get up early, try to rest as much as possible in the time you have. Because the more you have to work with your brain, the more sleep you need.
7. Choose your tasks carefully
Use a to-do list as a guideline. Don’t make it too long and try to stick to these tasks. Do you unexpectedly get extra work? Then try to say ‘no’ in a calm way. Especially if you don’t want another project to be pushed to the side.