How productive is your morning ritual?

LONDON (Parliament Politics Magazine) – A morning ritual ensures that you can start your day positively, even if you got out of bed on the wrong foot. The phenomenon of priming is essential: you recognise things faster because you have seen or experienced them before. For example, if you have decided to buy a red car, you will suddenly see a lot of red cars. You actually call up pleasant memories and positive feelings ( so priming ) to influence the rest of your day.

The morning determines your day

Mood priming has even been scientifically proven. By thinking about nice things – yes, also about the good things in yourself – you automatically become more positive. So easy. 1% less negative thoughts already provides more energy for more productive things. Research among customer service representatives showed that their mood at the moment they start determines their working day. So it is important to start your day right.

Get in the mood

Fixed background music during your morning ritual can also put you in the right emotional state. If you do something often, it becomes a habit and you get into the desired mood with the first notes. A morning ritual is therefore also a form of priming. By giving that time to yourself every day, you show that you are worth it.

Make time

The hardest? Find a moment in your busy schedule. But that’s no excuse. 15 minutes is enough to create a moment for yourself. And this is how you do it:

  1. Choose a quiet place. Take a chair, sit with your feet on the floor and your hands on your legs.
  2. Inhale through your nose and raise your arms in the air. Exhale through your nose and lower your arms. Repeat 30 times. Then put your arms on your legs for 10 seconds. Notice what you experience. Repeat this two more times.
  3. Close your eyes and think of a rewarding experience. Experience the moment as if you were there right now and be aware of what you see, hear and feel. Repeat this twice with two other reminders.
  4. Focus on a goal or dream that gives you a lot of energy. Now imagine that you have already achieved this, so live your dream and the consequences for you and the people close to you. Also repeat this twice.
  5. Open your eyes again, stand up straight and stretch. You are ready for a productive day.