Feel successful every day with these 5 habits

LONDON (Parliament Politics Magazine) – One day you go home feeling like you can take on the world, the next you’re frustrated and want nothing more than to grumble on the couch all night. What if there was a way to successfully end your working day every day?

No, there is unfortunately no such thing as a foolproof formula to always return home happy. But you can give your success at work a big boost yourself, with five small and simple habits.

1. Keep a ‘Gratitude Diary’

It may sound a bit vague: write down at least one thing every day that you are grateful for but the impact is enormous. A study shows that keeping a gratitude journal is more optimistic and cheerful than others.

Another plus: your doctor visits decrease and you are less likely to stay home from work. Precisely because it helps you to go to work with the right mindset.

2. Stop Multitasking

You are working on an important file, but suddenly an important message arrives on your mobile that you really can’t ignore. A few minutes later you overhear a conversation between two colleagues, now you are not busy with that one file again. And when you finally have your focus back, you suddenly realise that you have another email to answer. Recognisable?

It seems the norm to do a hundred and one things at once, but the impact cannot be underestimated:

  • we spend barely 1 minute and 15 seconds on a task before being interrupted;
  • it takes about 25 minutes to get back to work with concentration;
  • too much multitasking can lower your IQ by as much as 15 points.

With that in mind, it is best to avoid distractions as much as possible. Silence your smartphone, open your mailbox at fixed times or shut yourself off with headphones.

3. The ‘If/Then’ Plans

Do you want to increase your chances of achieving your goals? Then make ‘if/then’ plans. In concrete terms, you already have an answer ready in advance in a certain situation. If something occurs that jeopardises your planning, you know exactly what to do. Some examples:

  • ‘If there is too much noise in the office when I have to concentrate on my work, I look for a place where I can seclude myself for a while.’
  • “When it’s time for lunch, I’ll order a salad.”
  • ‘If a colleague plans a meeting on Thursday, the day of my deadline, I kindly ask that it be moved.’

4. Move

Even if it’s only for five minutes. Everyone knows that the benefits of some exercise are significant. The hardest part is finding time in your busy schedule. Going to the gym, jogging for half an hour, sometimes it just isn’t possible.

The solution? Go for a five-minute walk or schedule a short but vigorous workout.

5. The Shutdown Ritual

Take the time to end your working day on a good note and prepare for tomorrow. For example, before you go home, make a list of the things you must do tomorrow. This helps to calm your brain and relax you.

You certainly don’t have to write everything down, three things are more than enough. What else can you do? Clean up your desk and shut down your computer completely. The perfect signal that the working day is over and it’s time for something nicer.