UK Businesses Set To Benefit From Free Government Tool to Tackle Economic Abuse


UK (Parliament Politic Magazine) – Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Victoria Atkins, announced today that businesses and charities in the UK will now have access to a complimentary interactive guide. This guide aims to assist their staff in identifying and addressing instances of economic abuse during customer phone interactions.

This groundbreaking initiative is poised to bring significant advantages to UK businesses and charities. By equipping their employees with the necessary tools, they can effectively combat economic abuse, ensuring a safer and more secure environment for their customers.

Under the guidance of Financial Secretary Victoria Atkins, this interactive guide promises to revolutionize the way organizations handle customer interactions.

The Interactive Guide Is Being Released to 30,000 HMRC Staff


The highly anticipated interactive guide, set to be widely available later this year, is now being released to 30,000 HMRC staff. Its purpose is to equip them with the ability to identify signs of abuse and create a safe environment for victims to share their experiences. This groundbreaking tool builds upon the success of the government’s Economic Abuse Toolkit, which was launched earlier this year.

To commemorate this significant milestone, Minister Atkins visited the West London Women’s Centre, operated by the Advance charity. During her visit, she had the opportunity to meet with both staff members and survivors, emphasizing the importance of this initiative. Joining her in this momentous occasion was Malin Andersson, a former Love Island contestant and a passionate advocate for domestic abuse awareness.

During the visit, the minister provided attendees with an exclusive preview of the tool, generating excitement and momentum. She also called upon experts to collaborate with HMRC in order to ensure the online tool’s effectiveness before its widespread release later this year.

New Interactive Tool Will Help In The Following Ways


By increasing awareness among government, business, and charity staff about economic abuse, the government aims to combat violence against women and girls and create stronger communities for future generations. The government has already made significant progress by passing the groundbreaking Domestic Abuse Act, and Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Victoria Atkins, is determined to build on this commitment to support victims.

Economic and financial abuse is often less understood compared to other forms of domestic abuse. Therefore, it is crucial for organizations to share best practices with one another whenever possible. To facilitate this, HMRC has been tasked with collaborating with charities and experts to develop an interactive guide that will be publicly available. 

This guide will be accessible to staff from any organization that interacts with customers.

Through this initiative, the government aims to raise awareness about economic abuse and empower organizations to effectively address this issue. By equipping staff with the necessary knowledge and tools, we can work together to create a society where violence against women and girls is eradicated, and future generations can thrive in safer and more supportive communities.

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Minister Atkins To Introduce the Early Demo

Minister Atkins will present the early demo of interactive guidance to representatives from the financial services sector and charities at a roundtable later today. This event will provide an opportunity for her to gain insights into the efforts being made by the sector to combat economic abuse, as well as explore potential avenues for further action.

The government aims to collaborate with stakeholders in order to develop and customize the interactive guidance, ensuring that it accurately reflects the real-life experiences of victims.

Niki Scordi, CEO of Advance, emphasized the importance of comprehending the behaviors exhibited by domestic abusers, who persistently seek to intimidate and control survivors, particularly women, and children, even after they have left the abusive environment. This control often extends to economic and financial means, such as child support, school fees, bank accounts, loans, and employment opportunities. 

To bring about meaningful change and, in some cases, save lives, it is crucial to provide support to survivors through specialized Domestic Abuse Advocates in the community and organizations like Advance. These resources play a vital role in helping individuals affected by domestic and economic abuse rebuild their lives.

The internal guidance recently distributed by HMRC to its staff is a timely addition to the Economic Abuse Toolkit, which was released in January 2023. This toolkit serves as a valuable resource for public sector organizations, enabling them to effectively train their staff in recognizing instances of economic abuse.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.