UK MPs Involvement in Sex Tourism Busted

girls dancing in club

London (Parliament Politics Magazine) – Several British lawmakers are using parliamentary trips abroad to avail the opportunity for converting covert the use of sex workers. The excessive drinking and the involvement of the sex workers have raised concerns and have damaged the reputation of some law officials

One former Conservative MP, who is now a member of the House of Lords, has asked hosts for directions to the nearest brothel. The MP traveled to Southeast Asia where he had to visit the all-party parliamentary group (APPG).

Another Tory MP and former minister that used to stay on the MPs’ delegation have shown interest in [local] women.

“He showed an interest in pretty young girls,” said one. “He routinely stayed on after these visits and linked up with young women in the place in question.”

A Labor MP Has Shown Fondness In Russian Girls 

A senior Labour MP showed interest in Russian girls during the trips he made overseas. This news was revealed by a foreign diplomat, who also shared that the local officials are powerless and they don’t intend to intervene in this matter. They are worried and don’t want to lose their influence in Westminster.

A lot of concerns have been raised over the activities of “country APPGs”. The UK government is set o have less stringent rules. The House of Commons is better-known as select committees are still allowed to use the parliamentary premises for their meetings. These groups have been focusing on foreign countries and also make regular trips abroad. These trips are funded by overseas governments or private companies.

Sexual Misbehavior By MPs

As part of an ongoing investigation, it was revealed that the officials and lawmakers in the U.K. were involved in such activities. They have been caught in a drunken state and are said to have been involved in lewd or sexual misbehavior on their foreign trips. The behavior is unaccepted and is putting a bad name on all the officials.

Numerous MPs have revealed that some of their colleagues were quietly pursuing an interest in relations with other countries. They also treated the trips as “jolly” and have been enjoying the trips for recreational purposes. The media has also been sharing news stories related to the misconduct of the officials. A lot of news stories are also banned from publishing because the MPs don’t want their true face to be revealed to the world.

MPs’ relations with the overseas territories have helped local officials to have lavish trips out of the UK. MPs had taken part in parties that were organized by the diplomatic representatives. At these parties, the young men and women were supplied with sexual activities. Certain MPs often asked foreign governments for an expenses-paid trip overseas that included expensive champagne and large meals.

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Potential Misbehavior Of UK MPs And The Sex Tourism Scandal 

Overseas representatives are availing such opportunities to please the MPs The packing MPs’ agendas involved were discussed at the meetings but women were supplied during these overseas meetings as well. The visits and meetings were designed to reduce “free time” but this could not change the potential misbehavior of the MPs. “There’s been a process of disappointment,” according to a close source.

A former British parliamentarian shared that the government held “deep frustrations” regarding the behavior of the U.K. MPs. The source revealed that government officials are upset over the behavior of the UK MPs. 

These MPs are viewing themselves as celebrities and they are caught drinking and behaving badly. They are also patronizing to fellow politicians and don’t mind people around them. They leave a bad impression on the people from the host countries. The waiting staff is also upset with the boorish behavior of the MPs.

APPGs have allowed the use of the U.K. parliamentary premises for meetings. A special portcullis logo has also been introduced to keep the meetings private. The official parliamentary bodies are not paying attention to such benefits within the country and aim to attend meetings overseas.

Unlike select committees, there has been no formal system to decide their membership. They also don’t have a dedicated staff that can provide them with an external body. A private company or a charity organization has been paying special attention to cater to their needs.

MPs do not receive any salary for attending APPGs, and all the trips that they undertake are free of all costs. MPs consider this a part of the APPG activities and also share and register their interests. However, these trips are not subject to any kind of formal reporting process.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.