Unveiling the Flaws: An In-Depth Analysis of Criticism Towards UKs Afghan Refugee Policy

credit: globaltimes.cn

UK (Parliament Politic Magazine) – Britain’s refugee policy is currently under intense scrutiny as Afghan allies, who were abandoned during the evacuation from Kabul, are demanding greater support. Additionally, individuals attempting to cross the Channel persistently vow to continue their efforts.

Members of Parliament and high-ranking military officials have leveled accusations against Rishi Sunak’s government, claiming that it lacks a coherent plan and displays apathy and incompetence in its disregard for Afghan refugees left behind after the withdrawal of UK and US forces in the wake of the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul.

Accusations of Government Incompetence

Former Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral Alan West, has leveled accusations of government incompetence and called for immediate action to provide sanctuary to those who are eligible for our assistance. In an interview with The Independent, Admiral West stated:

“We should jolly well get on and get the Afghans over here because we have a debt of honor. Finding accommodation for people is not beyond the wit of man. It shows a certain amount of incompetence from the government.”

Approximately 18,000 Afghans, who claim to have collaborated with the British, are currently enduring a prolonged wait for their applications to be processed under the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Program.  Currently, there are approximately 1,950 Afghans who have been granted approval to relocate to the UK, yet they find themselves trapped in the country.

Additionally, around 1,400 individuals are residing in British High Commission hotels in Pakistan. Regrettably, only 35 individuals have been successfully relocated since December. The situation at hand is both concerning and disheartening. Despite having received the necessary approval to begin a new chapter of their lives in the UK, these 1,950 Afghans remain stranded in their homeland.

Allied Mission in Afghanistan

The failure to rescue individuals who supported the allied mission in Afghanistan has resulted in numerous eligible Afghans taking perilous journeys across the treacherous Channel. Last year, an Afghan pilot successfully reached the Kent coast, only to face the distressing prospect of deportation to Rwanda due to the UK’s criticized migrant policy.

In light of this situation, the pilot has appealed to Sunak, urging him to uphold the government’s promise to protect and support Afghans who fought alongside the British forces. During an interview with The Independent, the pilot expressed his anticipation of receiving a warm welcome from British officials upon his arrival. However, he was taken aback when he was informed by the Home Office that they intended to deport him.

The pilot has revealed: “I want to ask, kindly, for officials, the prime minister, to keep the promise of friendship and cooperation you made to Afghan people, especially to Afghan forces.” After his personal information was inadvertently disclosed by the UK, a man’s wife implored him to leave, fearing the information would fall into the hands of the Taliban. Here is what more he has to say:

 “I fought against the Taliban, and I left my family, and I hope that the British government helps with my family to get them out of Afghanistan.”

Read More: UK Parliament Withdraws Fund for Queen Camilla’s Official Duties

Afghan Policy and Criticism

The desperation to escape Afghanistan has driven many individuals to resort to the perilous option of employing people smugglers in order to reach the United Kingdom through the treacherous Channel crossing. Shockingly, this includes a teenager who was denied a spot on a boat that tragically sank just last weekend.

In an interview with The Times, Sohbat Khan, a 19-year-old from Kabul, revealed that he had paid smugglers a hefty sum of 1,800 euros ($1,965) to facilitate his passage across the Channel. However, at the eleventh hour, he was informed that there was no available space for him.

Out of the 65 individuals on board, which includes his friend whom he has not received any communication from, seven have been reported as missing or deceased. This unfortunate incident occurred when one side of the overcrowded dinghy deflated, leaving those on board stranded in the water for a distressing two-hour period. Thankfully, a passing lifeboat eventually initiated a rescue operation.

Khan expressed that he, along with his friend and all the individuals on board, were fully cognizant of the perils they faced. He emphasized that despite being aware of the risks, they felt compelled to attempt the journey to England.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.