Urgent Plea for Gaza Ceasefire Echoed at Landmark UK Parliamentary Gathering in Solidarity with Palestine

credit: aljazeera

UK (Parliament Politic Magazine) – The United Kingdom Parliament’s Palestine All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) recently convened one of its most substantial gatherings, where they listened to appeals for an urgent ceasefire in Gaza. This call came at a time when the number of casualties resulting from Israeli bombardment had surpassed 7,000.

On Wednesday, the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Palestine in the United Kingdom arranged a meeting with various British Members of Parliament, alongside the ambassadors of Jordan and Qatar to the UK. The purpose of this gathering was to address the intense Israeli bombardment in Gaza.

UK Parliamentary Gathering

At one of its most crowded gatherings to date, the Palestine All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) convened a meeting where Palestinian Ambassador Husam Zomlot urgently called for a ceasefire. This information was shared by the APPG on a social media platform, formerly known as Twitter.

Furthermore, during the meeting, the Group received insights from the Ambassadors of Jordan and Qatar, who expressed their apprehensions about the well-being of Palestinians in Gaza and the potential risks associated with regional escalation.

The Palestinian health ministry has reported a tragic death toll of 7,324 resulting from Israel’s bombardment of the besieged Palestinian enclave. Shockingly, nearly half of these casualties are children. In response to this distressing situation, Palestinian Ambassador Husam Zomlot highlighted that the substantial turnout at the meeting serves as a testament to the increasing support for the Palestinian cause.

On X, a gathering of UK parliament members filled a room in Westminster for a briefing conducted by Palestinian and Arab ambassadors. This event was orchestrated by the Palestine All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG).

The fact that this room was crowded with parliament members underscores the mounting support for the Palestinian cause and the demand for the equitable application of international law to address the plight of those enduring Israel’s lethal bombardment.

All-Party Parliamentary Group Comprises Members of Parliament

The British-Palestine All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) comprises Members of Parliament (MPs) from various political parties. The group’s mission is centered on cultivating positive relations and fostering mutual comprehension between Britain and Palestine. Additionally, it seeks to advance the cause of a fair and enduring peace in the Middle East.

The APPG has previously issued calls to the UK government, urging it to take a firm stance in support of international law. These calls included ending Israel’s 16-year blockade of Gaza and implementing a ban on all imports from illegal Israeli settlements. The situation in Gaza has become even more critical, with Israel having recently imposed a comprehensive siege on the territory, and essential fuel supplies are quickly depleting.

“It’s time that the British government stood up for international law, sought action against products from the settlements – ban them in this country – and also moved towards helping to end the blockade on Gaza, which has brought such dreadful, dreadful suffering to the people of Gaza,” British-Palestine APPG co-chair Julie Elliot reveals. “It’s time for the British government to recognize Palestine. The time is now.”

“Palestinian rights must be continually raised in the UK Parliament. It’s vital that we continue to pressure the UK government to act to end the occupation and to stand up for international law,” co-chair Sayeeda Warsi said.

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Labor Leader Encountering Pressure Within Party

The Labour leader has encountered pressure from within his own party, with 49 Labour Members of Parliament (MPs), including Shadow Minister Imran Hussain, signing a parliamentary motion that advocated for a cease-fire. Starmer faced criticism for an interview in which he mentioned that Israel “has the right” to control the supply of power and water to Gaza. He later made efforts to provide further clarification on these comments a week later.

On Friday morning, Shadow Environment Secretary Steve Reed expressed understanding for the frustration of fellow Labour colleagues. He then proceeded to provide a defense of the position taken by the Labour leadership. Reed told Sky News:

“What I would say to colleagues is if this attack that Israel suffered had been on the U.K. … our state would have sought to defend ourselves to protect our citizens by dismantling the capability of a terrorist organization that carried it out’’. He further reveals: “That applies to Israel too; they have the right under international law to do that.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.