Presidential election: rising tone between Le Pen and Macron, poll results

PARIS (Parliament Politics Magazine) – Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron are living the last day of the official campaign, which will end this evening at midnight. In the polls, the outgoing president is given the lead in voting intentions for the second round of the presidential election.

ALSO READ: Presidential Election: Macron and Le Pen on the ground after debate

The Essentials

  1. Two days before the second round of the 2022 presidential election, Macron and Le Pen are living this Friday, April 22, their last day of the campaign between the two rounds.
  2. To end his presidential campaign, Emmanuel Macron goes to the people and gives a meeting in Figeac. He could also make a stopover in Toulouse according to some members of the campaign team.
  3. Marine Le Pen held her last presidential meeting yesterday in Arras in the Pas-de-Calais. In front of the crowd and the day after the debate between the two rounds, the Rassemblement candidate tackled the president-candidate and his “condescension”. Today the 2022 presidential candidate is expected in Abbeville in the Somme.
  4. The exchange between the two candidates during the debate between the two rounds, Wednesday April 20, caused ink to flow: Macron is taxed on the form, Le Pen rather on the substance. But the performances did not have an impact on the result of the polls.
  5. The result of the BVA poll for Orange and RTL, published today, credits Emmanuel Macron with 55.5% and Marine Le Pen with 45.5% of voting intentions in the second round of the 2022 presidential election.


Last day of the between-two-towers campaign

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen are throwing their last forces into battle as this Friday, April 22 is the last day of campaigning before the second round of the presidential election. Tonight at midnight, it will no longer be possible to gauge each candidate’s chances of victory and no poll can be published. By then Emmanuel Macron will be at a meeting in Figeac in the Lot and Marine Le Pen has planned a trip to the Somme, to Abbeville.


11 points difference in the 2nd round of the presidential election according to BVA

The new BVA poll for RTL and Orange, published today, credits Emmanuel Macron with 55.5% and Marine Le pen with 44.5% of voting intentions. The outgoing president gained 1.5 points compared to last week’s BVA poll. The study does not show a significant difference between respondents who watched the inter-round debate and those who did not watch it. Nearly a third of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s voters (31%) declare their intention to abstain, 24% plan to vote blank or null, 27% would vote for Macron and 18% Marine Le Pen.

Emmanuel Macron undertakes to “renovate” the exercise of “the presidential function”

On France Inter this morning, the president was criticised by journalists for having given few interviews during his mandate. “I have not renewed the exercise of presidential power”, he admitted, before adding: “It will be necessary, if the French women and men trust me, to mend more in depth the way of exercising the presidential function, and I feel that there was a gap between the political renewal that I embodied and the classicism of the exercise of the function.”

Emmanuel Macron seems to be backing down on the idea of ​​a referendum on pensions

The idea had been raised and the outgoing president had not opposed it. Finally, if Macron is re-elected in the second round of the 2022 presidential election, a referendum on pension reform seems unlikely. “I will not make a commitment at all here. Referendum, it is a commitment in the hand of the President of the Republic which seems important to me. I think that on a subject like that, it is above all the consultation, the discussion and respect for all stakeholders,” Macron said this morning on France Inter. On the side of Marine Le Pen, the reversal is clear: “There will obviously be no referendum on retirement, if he is elected, the referendum will be a false promise”, she asserts from Etaples (Pas de Calais).

In Pas-De-Calais, Marine Le Pen talks about disabled adult allowance and visits a clinic

In Etaples, the candidate for the second round of the 2022 presidential election was arrested by a person receiving the disabled adult allowance (AAH), who complained of not being able to marry for fear of losing his allowance. “Creating dependency in addition to dependency, I find it scandalous”, said indignant Marine Le Pen, before committing to deconjugalise this allowance, which the elected representatives of the presidential majority recently voted against. The candidate then went to Berck to visit a clinic there, the François Calot Institute.