LONDON (Parliament Politics Magazine) – Unfortunately, deadlines and stress at work all too often go hand in hand with disastrous eating habits. Take fast food for example: a real attack on your health, resulting in even more fatigue, and probably also obesity.
Fortunately, a healthier menu during your job is easy to maintain with the following 5 tips in mind.
1. Go nuts!
Keep a stash of nuts on your desk. It has been proven that a daily portion of this is good for your health. Not only is it the ideal way to replace snacks full of saturated fats and thus reduce your cholesterol level by 6%, a handful of nuts as an afternoon snack will also ensure that your productivity rises again.
2. Choose fruit
Place a bowl within your line of sight so that you naturally crave a juicy piece of fruit every few hours. With an average of four servings a day, you will feel fitter, healthier and happier. In addition, fruits can help prevent heart disease and certain cancers.
3. Keep water handy
For optimal health, it is necessary that you drink a large gulp of water every half hour. In this way you purify your body, you reduce the risk of a heart attack, you automatically get a better mood and you can count on more energy. Extra tip for those who often suffer from headaches at work: are you sure your body is hydrated enough?
4. Go for a walk during the break
Leave your car during your lunch break and walk to the sandwich shop. Or arrange a small tour around the company every afternoon with colleagues. Walking is the easiest and also the safest way to exercise. Ideal for keeping your bones, heart, lungs and weight in top shape.
5. Avoid Caffeine
For most, a dose of two cups of coffee a day is not harmful, but too much caffeine can make you restless and sleepless at night. Since caffeine is an addictive drug, withdrawal can be hard. But your body will thank you afterwards if you replace your daily locks of coffee with fresh fruit juice or water.