The EU Declares War On British Sovereignty


EU (Parliament Politic Magazine) – During Liz Truss’s campaign for Tory leadership, she was asked to weigh in on the relationship between President Macron of France and the UK – whether it was one of friendship or hostility. Truss wisely chose not to make a hasty judgment.

 President Zelensky, too, must have experienced similar uncertainties at various points. However, the focus now shifts from France alone to the European Union (EU).

In a recent development, following a meeting with Latin American states collectively known as Celac, the EU issued a communique that referred to the Falkland Islands as the Malvinas. Regarding the issue of sovereignty, the EU simply acknowledged the historical position of the Latin American states and advocated for a peaceful resolution to the dispute. 

Britain is No Longer An EU Member 

Despite fervent objections from Britain prior to the communique, they were swiftly dismissed. It was suggested that a British minister could have exercised veto power over the contentious statements if Britain had remained an EU member.

It is evident that all member states thoroughly deliberated on the matter before reaching a consensus on the communique and lending their support to the Hispanics. However, one cannot help but wonder why a single minister or even the esteemed High Representative for 

Foreign Affairs did not exercise its veto power to prevent the inclusion of objectionable sentences. Are the sensitivities of the British not deemed more valuable than those of a group of states that often lack democratic principles?

Surely, the European Union must have been aware of the unfounded nature of Argentina’s claim. The Falkland Islands have been under British control since 1833, with no equivalent Argentine presence ever established.

 In 1982, we fought a war, resulting in the tragic loss of 255 British servicemen, to defend our sovereignty over the islands. Furthermore, in a democratic referendum held in 2013, an overwhelming 99.8 percent of the population voted in favor of remaining British.

The Role Of Spain In The Celac Negotiations

Spain’s role in the Celac negotiations is both significant and worrisome. With a general election scheduled for this Sunday, it is widely anticipated that the Right-wing parties, the PP and Vox, will forge a coalition government.


 The PP’s manifesto explicitly calls for discussions on the “sovereignty” of Gibraltar, while Vox goes as far as considering Gibraltar as an “occupied territory”. As a result, the already intricate post-Brexit negotiations surrounding Gibraltar face the risk of being abandoned, potentially isolating Gibraltar from Spain. This situation bears resemblance to the actions taken by Franco in 1969, which led to the loss of 10,000 Spanish jobs. It was not until 1985 that the severed links were finally restored.


However, Gibraltar bears similarities to the Falklands in terms of its history. Originally seized from the Moors by the Spanish in 1462, it was later conquered by the British in 1704 and permanently acquired through the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. As a result, it remained under Spanish rule for 242 years before becoming British for the past 319 years.

 Notably, a referendum held in 2002 revealed that an overwhelming 98.97 percent of the population rejected the idea of joint sovereignty with Spain, while a similar referendum in 1967 demonstrated that 99.67 percent wished to maintain their British identity.

Read More: France and Britain Battle It Out For Europe’s A.I. Crown

EUs True Colors Have Come Out

“The European Union (EU) has proven to be an unreliable ally, only extending its hand when it serves its own interests – whether it’s enticing us to join Macron’s European Political Club or advocating for a European army to undermine NATO from within, fulfilling Macron’s vision of a unified European strategic entity. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Defence fails to recognize these ulterior motives.

The EU’s true intentions have also come to light through its actions in Northern Ireland. The Windsor Framework was intended to resolve trade disputes by establishing a ‘green lane’ that would facilitate seamless transit of goods from the UK to Northern Ireland. However, the EU has burdened the ‘trusted traders’ who were meant to benefit from this arrangement with excessive regulations, leading many to abandon the idea altogether.

 In essence, the EU is deliberately treating Northern Ireland as a foreign entity, aiming to undermine and reverse Brexit, which serves as a cautionary tale for other nations. It is imperative for all Britons to reject this approach.”

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.