There is a risk associated with any effort to talk about policies relating to boys and men on their own terms – that is, without reference to women and girls. It is understandable that until recently, sex inequality has focused primarily on
Lottie Moore is a writer and thinktanker. She is the author of the the Family Education Trust’s report Boys and the burden of labels: an examination of masculinity teaching in schools. She was most recently Policy Fellow to the Minister for Women and Equalities under the Conservative Government. Before that, she worked at Policy Exchange as head of Equality and Identity. She was also Head of Policy at The Other Half, a new thinktank for practical, workable policy in the interests of women. She has held research positions at SOAS and UCL with a specialism in freedom of speech and equality.
There is a risk associated with any effort to talk about policies relating to boys and men on their own terms – that is, without reference to women and girls. It is understandable that until recently, sex inequality has focused primarily on