Baking soda substitute: What can you use for cleaning if you’ve run out of baking soda?

Baking soda has multiple uses, first and foremost as an ingredient for baked goods, as the name would suggest. Aside from this, the chemical compound is uniquely suited to cleaning – both objects and body parts. Those who favour natural reneges nay use baking soda over other, more abrasive industrial compounds, and there are many alternatives.

What can you use for cleaning if you run out of baking soda?

Many people favour baking soda as a less potent alternative to mainstream cleaning products.

The powder has a litany of potential uses, including cleaning clothes, surfaces and odour control.

But it also has several kitchen equivalents with similar, or in some cases more uses.

White vinegar

White vinegar isn’t a powder but is a natural cleaning product thanks to its high acidity.

People can use vinegar to kill mould, remove clothing stains, and deodorises much like baking soda.

Unlike powder cleaning agents, people can also add vinegar to a spray bottle with some water for ease of use.


Lemon juice is another acidic substance people can use for surface cleaning.

Experts use it for dissolving soap scum and cleaning hard water deposits.

Much like the other autumns in this list, lemon juice can also clean stains, and has the added ability to shine copper or brass.

Vanilla extract

Vanilla extract isn’t as versatile as baking soda, but it does cover at least one of its uses.

Placed in bowls, vanilla extract can deodorise rooms which have adopted a musty stink.

Using the extract should eliminate the smells without posing any of the irritant risks an air freshener might.


Borax is a versatile compound people have used to clean for decades.

Essentially a salt compound, borax can be added to the laundry for some additional shine, or help clean toilets, sinks and more.

The powder can also deodorise, remove stains, and is available at most hardware stores across the UK.