
Ending Journey Of Brexit Architect Farage From UK Politics 

credit: telegraph.co.uk

UK (Parliament Politic Magazine) – The controversial politician ended his ordeal by blurting out the catchphrase “I’m a Celebrity” while filming an infamous British reality TV show while submerged in a water tank full of snakes and other creatures. “Please let me leave this place.”, he said.

It was a rare moment of public weakness for a man whose right-wing firebrand bravado has driven Conservative prime ministers to distraction for more than a decade. Even from the TV set in an Australian rainforest, the face of Brexit, a label he shares with disgraced ex-premier Boris Johnson, is shaping Tory infighting and disrupting Rishi Sunak’s bid to cling to power at an election expected next year.

Threats For UK Party

The key to understanding the recent turmoil within the Tories is the threat posed by Farage and the Reform UK party, which he founded but did not lead. It is generally accepted that Sunak, who is currently more than 20 points behind the opposition Labour Party in certain polls, should move closer to the political center in order to win over as many voters as possible.

By allowing ministers to promote right-wing conspiracy theories and turning efforts to address climate change into a political wedge issue, the premier has done the exact opposite. However, the most apparent effect of Farage is on immigration. Preying on the prominence of migration in opinion polls, Sunak made stopping boats that carry asylum seekers across the English Channel one of five significant pledges he asked voters to evaluate him on in January.

Although fewer than last year, arrivals are still high by historical standards, and Farage has benefited from Sunak’s gamble. In addition to advocating for the UK to exit the European Union, the former head of the Brexit and UK Independence parties is well-known for his videos showing small boats landing in southern England.

Sunak Impression

Midway through November, Sunak gave the impression that he was being more moderate with the electorate by sacking his contentious home secretary, Suella Braverman, and appointing centrist-friendly former prime minister David Cameron to his Cabinet.

However, the immigration debate took a dramatic turn two days later when the Supreme Court rejected his proposal to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, which ministers believed would be a necessary deterrent to lower the number of arrivals. Subsequently, official data indicated that in the year ending in June, there were approximately 672,000 more arrivals in the UK than departures, more than doubling net migration during the Brexit referendum in 2016.

James Plans

Home Secretary James Cleverly announced plans on Monday to reduce net migration drastically. These plans included raising the salary requirement for British nationals wishing to return to the country with an overseas spouse and preventing employees in the financially troubled care sector from bringing their children with them. 

Shortly after, he was in Rwanda, finalizing a fresh deportation agreement while Sunak endeavors to get his scheme approved by UK courts. The prime minister has consistently stated that legislation to circumvent the United Kingdom’s commitments under international conventions and domestic human rights law would not be ruled out.

Johnson Strategy

The strategy Johnson used to counter the threat posed by Farage’s Brexit Party prior to the 2019 general election, making an agreement to guarantee the party didn’t win every seat, is what has had the most significant impact on contemporary thought. This guaranteed that the right-wing vote would not split enough to give Labour under Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, giving the Tories a commanding majority.

According to a source familiar with the situation, some Conservatives view Farage as a component of the plan for reviving the party in the event that it loses the poll. Conservative MP Jonathan Gullis said of Farage’s tenure as a Tory home secretary, “He would take no nonsense,” on the right-wing channel GB News, where Farage hosts his own program. “He has a strong voice on important issues, such as immigration.”

Read More: UK Asylum Plan And Treaty Rwanda 

End up

“You fire that supplier if they consistently fail to deliver on their promises to supply you with a service,” Tice advised. In my opinion, the Tories “need to be punished very severely.” They break Britain. However, the Brexit Party floated a comparable narrative in 2019 prior to an agreement being reached. According to someone familiar with Farage’s thinking, after he leaves Australia, he will consider his options and determine whether Reform is the best course of action. They also said he’ll take pleasure in people guessing.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.