Following Self-Reflection Angela Rayner The Deputy Leader Of Labour Has Apologized For Calling Conservatives ‘Scum’

Angela Rayner has publicly apologized for her behavior in the party’s conference last month where she “unreservedly” called Conservatives “scum”.

Ashron-under-Lyne MP Angela Rayner took to social media to share a long statement, where she stated that upon reflection after the incident, she would not use such language again.

Initially, Rayner had refused to apologize for her comments, but her self-reflection was triggered by the death of a loved one which allowed her to take two weeks away from Westminster to clear her mind and think, she said, “our political debate and the threats and abuse that now seem to feature all too often”. This comment also came at a time when Rayner had received a threatening email, “in the past I have been reluctant to speak out about the abuse that I receive because I fear that doing so will only make the situation worse” she said. “However, in recent weeks the threats that I have received against my life and the lives of close family have been so terrifying and explicit that I could not stay silent and simply continue to take it as ‘part of the job’. Rayner has admitted that she has been disturbed by these threats and that they have had a devastating impact on her, her children, and those close to her.

Rayner also made special thanks to the police force for their support, “they bear the brunt of much of this abuse and then get on with their working day. Dealing with death threats and liaising with the police about their safety should not be a standard part of the day-to-day working life of an MP or their staff.”

These revelations also came in light of the killing of Conservative MP Sir David Amess, which has prompted a wider discussion of the safety of and wellbeing of politicians. Rayner also made a public comment on Sir David’s death, “I send my heartfelt condolences to them. Sir David was a fine parliamentarian, a proud advocate for his constituents and above all such a kind, generous and warm-hearted man.”

Her posts contained her frustration about policies which she said, “made life harder for so many people I represent”.

Despite this heartfelt apology, Rayner said, “I will continue to speak my mind, stand up for Labour values and hold the government to account. But in the future, I will be more careful about how I do that and in the language that I choose.

She also addressed her responsibilities as a leader and the need to be mindful of her language. Her statement read, “all of us in positions of leadership have a responsibility for our language and rhetoric, whether towards political opponents or anyone else in society, especially those already most vulnerable.”

Rayner also said, “grief is the burden we bear for love, and losing someone close is something that we all experience at some point in our lives, but that knowledge doesn’t make it any easier when it happens to you”.


Faizah Haider

Faizah Haider, MSc, is King’s College, University of London graduate and
is an emerging author. She covers daily news from the UK and across the world. Her work appeared in many news websites.