Sadiq Khan Condemns ‘Racist, Islamophobic, Anti-Muslim Rhetoric’ and Criticizes Sunak’s Stance as ‘Feeble’

credit: independent

London (Parliament Politics Maganize) – Sadiq Khan has condemned ‘racist, Islamophobic, anti-Muslim nonsense’ as he blasted ‘weak’ Rishi Sunak for not taking firmer action.

Talking during an LBC call-in, Sadiq Khan stated he was “appalled” and “heartbroken” about Islamophobic statements being made against him. He blamed Rishi Sunak for being a “weak” leader, expressing that the PM should be getting communities together, but instead, he felt “let down.”

The mayor said Mr. Sunak had several possibilities to deal with the issue but had decided not to.

He described: “Sunak is frail because if he did the right thing and called out this man for what he spoke and what it is, then it begs the query, what about Braverman? What about other members of the Conservative party?

“He’s a vulnerable leader, and we’ll have more of this for the next few weeks and months. The effect of that is it normalizes hatred against Muslims.”

It comes after Lee Anderson, the former deputy chairman of the Conservative party, asserted that Islamists had “got control” of Mr Khan and were in charge of London.

He was answering to a claim by former Home Secretary Suella Braverman that Islamists were running Britain.

Mr. Anderson was suspended on Saturday after refusing to apologize for his comments.

“It feels like every day we have to explain our existence. Every day, we have to demonstrate how much we’ve integrated; we’ve got to display our loyalty to the flag and this city. Every day, some bodies asks us for our sense of belonging. It’s so frustrating.

“And if I’m feeling this way, guess what it feels like to be a young British person growing up in Burnley, or Birmingham, or in Tower Hamlets when you’ve got this absurdity – racist, Islamophobic, anti-Muslim nonsense – from a senior Conservative and it’s not called out.

“It should be called out, and I think those conservatives who have forgotten to call it out will live to regret this.

“We must credit the Sayeeda Warsi, Sajid Javids, Nusrat Ghanis – they have called it out. But it shouldn’t just be Muslims calling it out in the Tory party. Where is the allyship?

Mr. Khan declared he was “grateful” to have acquired lovely messages from Tory MPs privately, but people should be called out in public too and demand action.

Read More: Rishi Sunak Declines to Show Confidence in Post Office CEO Amid Investigation

“This is no longer subtle; this is overt, and I want everyone to have a feeling of belonging in this great city and country,” Mr Khan stated.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.