Scottish Parliament Spray Painted by Climate Protestors


London (Parliament Politic Magazine) – Climate protestors have made a bold statement by splattering red paint across the entrance to Holyrood, expressing their strong opposition to the recent granting of new North Sea oil licences.

This powerful demonstration was orchestrated by the climate activist group known as This is Rigged, who have taken full responsibility for their actions. Their protest aims to shed light on the political failure to take a firm stance against all new oil and gas ventures.

It has been reported that four protestors were involved in this impactful act of civil disobedience. Police Scotland has confirmed their presence at the scene, ensuring public safety and maintaining order.

Scottish Government Maintains Silence Over the Issue

‘This is Rigged’ took to social media to explain that their actions were a direct response to Rishi Sunak’s recent announcement. The Chancellor’s support for granting licences to 100 new oil and gas projects in the North Sea has ignited the fury of these climate activists.

The group expressed their dissatisfaction with the Scottish government’s silence on the issue, emphasizing the need for a vocal opposition to the proposed action.

This Is Rigged has previously organized protests at the Grangemouth petrochemical plant and Rothesay Dock oil terminal in Clydebank. A representative from the Scottish Parliament acknowledged that the group has consistently targeted the Scottish Parliament and its democratic processes.

According to the spokesperson: “As a result of their actions today, we have had to cancel our free public tours and close the building earlier than scheduled.” The spokesperson further added: “Up to 1,000 people visit Holyrood a day at this time of year, and many will have been severely inconvenienced – not just those who had booked on to tours but other members of the public who wish to visit and engage with their national parliament. “This is now a matter for Police Scotland.”

Sunak Defends Granting New North Sea Licences

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has officially pledged his support for the Acorn Project in St Fergus, Aberdeenshire. This announcement was made on Monday during a program, just before his visit to the project site. The Acorn Project is one of four carbon capture initiatives that will collectively receive up to £20 billion in funding.

Mr. Sunak emphasized that this investment would not only bolster the Acorn Project but also create numerous job opportunities throughout the United Kingdom. He firmly believes that granting new oil and gas licences is the correct course of action.

Furthermore, the prime minister highlighted the illogicality of importing energy supplies that possess two to three times the carbon footprint of our domestic resources. A video of the protest is going viral and things seem to be out of control. 

After a visit to the Shells St Fergus Gas Plant in Aberdeenshire, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made an announcement regarding the UK Government’s plan to issue numerous new oil and gas licences for the North Sea. The main demand is for the Scottish Government to take a vocal stance against the issuance of any new oil and gas licences.

Read More: BVI Delegation Visits UK Parliament To Build Strong Relations

Rishi Sunak Takes Control of the Situation

On Tuesday afternoon, a group of activists threw paint at the front door of the Holyrood building, which is currently closed for summer recess. Most importantly this group has previously caused disruptions during FMQs, prompting increased security measures within the building.

Sunak has clearly aligned himself with profit, greed, and the destruction of our climate. What we are urging now is for the Scottish Government to show strength and determination, to confront Westminster’s dangerous new oil and gas initiatives. On Friday, we reached out to Humza Yousaf to emphasize our demands: The Scottish Government must openly oppose any new oil and gas licences and guarantee a just and well-funded transition for all workers.

It is worth mentioning that the Scottish Government has only opposed one license in recent years, namely Cambo. The need for action is now more pressing than ever before. The protestors are very furious and want to fulfill their demands.

As Rishi Sunak revels in his staggering £529 million fortune and effortlessly jets off to Scotland in a private plane, he brazenly announces that he has unequivocally sacrificed our collective future for the sake of a few extra pennies for the super wealthy.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.