The Key to Securing Public Sector Jobs: Incorporating Social Value

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London (Parliament Politic Magazine) – The purpose of social value is to foster collaboration among individuals and organizations to construct thriving and sustainable communities. In reality, a significant number of organizations are already contributing to social value, although they may not be aware of it or recognize that it can be quantified and documented. Guy Battle, the esteemed CEO of Social Value Portal, eloquently elucidates the pivotal role that integrating social value can play in securing successful bids for public sector developments.

For instance, organizations that prioritize local purchasing and employment, implement apprenticeship schemes. They hire individuals who are farthest from the job market and allocate staff hours for community volunteering. Moreover, having a plan to reduce carbon emissions are actively contributing to social value.

Building A Strong Foundation

Gross spending on public sector procurement in the UK amounts to approximately £379 billion, presenting substantial opportunities for organizations of all sizes to secure new contracts and expand their business. The crucial factor in achieving this is comprehending and delivering on social value. Given the intense competition, those in charge of business development need to pursue every possible advantage.

This includes fundamental aspects such as providing evidence of compliance and showcasing a comprehensive understanding of the tender’s requirements and challenges. Navigating through the complexities of a bid submission requires careful consideration and attention to detail.

For nearly a decade, we have collaborated with organizations involved in bidding for projects, as well as procurement and specifiers in the public sector. This extensive experience has provided us with a distinctive insight into what constitutes a successful bid.

There has never been a better time to integrate social value into the core of your organization, starting from the highest level of leadership. By empowering your entire team to actively participate in fostering a culture of doing good, you can establish a strong framework. Moreover, this approach will streamline the bid writing process, as the necessary data and narrative will already be readily available.

Clear Understanding of Requirements

Having a clear understanding of the requirements is crucial. It is essential to conduct thorough research on the buyer’s social and environmental priorities and policies. Ensure that the information you provide is directly relevant to your findings.

To begin, refer to the scoring matrix and determine the weighting the organization will use to evaluate the submission. Construct a compelling narrative based on this information. Additionally, demonstrate your ability to fulfill your commitments and highlight how your offering surpasses that of your competitors.

Buyers will be seeking a meticulously organized plan that distinguishes itself, so it is crucial to outline the structure of the social value initiatives by the provided measures. In the absence of specific guidelines, it is advisable to utilize the Social Value TOM System as a framework, as many public sector buyers are already acquainted with this system.

Ensure that your delivery plan is concise and transparent, offering comprehensive information on the individuals responsible, the methodology for capturing social value, and the reporting procedures to be employed, including the designated timeframes.

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The Target Setting

The local benefits of social value initiatives are undeniably crucial to meeting the requirements of the tender. Therefore, it is essential to establish targets that are both relevant and easily attainable. Before proceeding, it is important to determine the appropriate unit of measurement. For instance, if the question asks for the duration of apprenticeships in weeks, it is imperative to use that specific unit.

Based on my experience, conducting a Local Needs Analysis is a valuable approach to identifying the specific needs of the area. This analysis ensures that the targets set align with the project’s requirements.

Buyers must have confidence in the attainability of each measure. To instil this confidence, it is crucial to provide detailed information about your social value proposition and align it with the buyer’s goals and objectives. This will reassure them that the targets will indeed be met.

Additionally, it is important to showcase a strong track record. Highlight the experience and expertise of individual team members, share case study stories of past successes, and demonstrate the positive impact your organization has already achieved. By implementing these strategies, buyers will feel more assured and inclined to engage with your organization.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.