If you visit a typical classroom filled with teenagers studying for their GCSEs, you’ll find that 45 percent are not living with both natural parents. Many will agree with me that this is an extraordinarily high proportion. It’s almost certainly the highest
Today marks the launch of the Church of England’s report on Families and Households. You can download and read the report for yourself here. We contributed extensively to the commission and one of our contributions actually makes a highlighted appearance on page 44, without

Today marks the launch of the Church of England’s report on Families and Households. You can download and read the report for yourself here. We contributed extensively to the commission and one of our contributions actually makes a highlighted appearance on page 44, without

London, (Parliament Politics Magazine) – A report earlier this month found that poor married couples with children are more stable and likely to stick together than rich unmarried couples with children. The study from the Marriage Foundation analysed data from the UK